Some times you loose everything

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I woke up to screaming and pounding on our house i ran downstairs in my panties and white shirt i saw my mom the floor and a zombie nawing on her neck,i put my gun up and pulled the trigger twice in a row. seeing my mother on the floor her lips where purple something ive never seen before ,she rolled on her stomach and started scratching on the floor,i put my gun up to her head tears running down my cheeks "momma?" she turned to face me and let out a loud growl/scream "momma?" i looked deep into her eyes and watched as she crawled towards me i put my finger on the trigger and fired three shots,her body flung backwards against the wall ,i put myself on the floor pulling my knees to my chest and cried. i stared at her body and looked up above me and saw my father his tender eyes where on me and watching me,i got up off the floor and slammed the front door shut and the back door locking them all  i didnt know how much more i could take but what i did know is that i had to take all of it and more,if i couldnt take any of it than what would that make me? that would  make me a sorry loser and theres no way that im going to give up,if anything at all im going to protect ashley from harms way shes a girl and could be my sister for all i know and thats excatly how im going to threat her shes too much already for me to loose over some zombies eating each tights where offically ripped,i tucked my gun behind my back in my waist line,i pointed a finger at my father wondering if he'd get the message that i was sending his way,wondering if he'd notice the depth in my eyes that where sending "your next" but he just looked at me and shrugged if i could i'd shoot him right here right now.i'm proudly a bitch,my old car use to have some many key scratches from all the little girls that wanted to be me,that wanted to hate on me.some things just happen i guess but i know that i just dont wanna loose ashley if anything like i get infected i just want ashely to take me to the center to get me the cure its scary for me to realize that maybe im loosing everything,i really dont wanna loose everything.but maybe its best for me to be without my family and without everything in between starting over in this world isnt something that i want but it is something i need to do,if i could find out if there are more survivors out there than great but if not than i dont know,that means that the zombies can easily take over everything,unless we all drove to another country which is basically impossible.I ripped the sleeves on my shirt and put on my jacket,dragging my moms body outside i flung her lifeless body into the woods. how shameless is that didn't even bury her or anything.i closed the fench behind me and covered her in leaves and sticks i know that somebody would trip over her body but there was nothing else i could really do,with two of my fingers i felt for her pulse and i felt nothing and she felt so cold like nothing i've ever felt before,than i looked up to see almost about 20 of them coming my way,growling and screaming there arms reached out for me i ran the other direction around my house,stopping dead in my tracks one was face to face with me i flung my arms and screamed for ashely she flung her body my way and i watched her i turned my face to the left cause this guys breath was kickin,"fuck off!" i screamed at it "fuck off,fuck off,fuck off!" i kept screaming,it started oozing from the mouth dripping onto me "thats disgusting! you fuck!" apparently it wasn't comphreneding what i was saying i just wanted it to go away i wanted it to leave me be,would it not hear what i was saying i  watched it as it got even closer to me its body touching mine,it felt like dust compared to my soft skin,it breathed against me and thats when it leaned down to bite me,Ashley leaping to the rescue grabbed its head and broke it off flung it into the woods thats when she yanked me and we started running i looked behind me and a big fucker was running nearly directly towards us,i gasped at how fast he was running does he understand what hes doing? she threw me into the yard and shut the gate taking my sword and slicing its head off. "thats the best way to do it,slice its big ass head off! cant eat us no mo' can you sucka! these fucks come from the lake water thats why the water anit safe no mo,the waters very contiminated thats why loads of people have left this here place,its country folk they kno how to take care of them selfs but still" i stared at her "so where excatly have they came from?" she started putting up a wall near the fench "they come from the water i'm guessing,i anit sure where the infection comes from but uh i think it comes from the water nobody down here really knows,ma and pa got infected by some by standard while they where trynna quarintine us,he was infront of us roaring and groaning im suprised they didnt see him,but he had turned around and bite mas neck,than the infection grew real fast in ma and she turned around and bit pa,it didnt grow fast in pa,ma was fast though she started infectin  tons of people,ma had bit me once and i punched her in her face,i think i'm immune i mean have you even looked at my eyes? ones  blue ones brown not excatly sure if you noticed that,pa told me to leave get out while i could,so i did except i didnt leave i just hid out around here" she was building fast "so your immune? that means the army already knew what was going on" i said to her "yeah they cant quarintine it,it gets out of hand real fast" she mummbled at was the water,we've got to warn people than save some lives,do for yourself not for others.

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