Chapter 3

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Hi guys! I'm so sorrfor not updating for long. I was a little bit busy, So from now I'll be updating a chapter once a week :)! VOTE/COMMENT/FOLLOW


Elena's POV

It's been a week since school started, but I still can't get used to it! The home works, the heavy books, having new classmates, waking up early in the morning... 

It was finaly saturday. I was sitting on the couch reading a book when i heard my door opens, it was my brother! 

"Hey Elena, can you just go and buy me some ice cream?" my brother said. 

"I'm too lazy for that " I replied. 

"Pleaaaaaaaase" he said with a pout. 

"Okay! fine i'm going" I sighed.

I quickly grabbed my phone, put on my sneakers and went to the supermarket which is not too far from my house, I didn't bother to change my clothes because I was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. When I finally arrived, I headed to the snacks section I got what I needed then queued in line to pay, I was third but I'm not really a patient person so the whole time I was tapping with my foot on the ground.

"Excuse me miss, but could you stop it? that's very annoying" I heard a familiar voice come from behind me. I turned around to find Anna staring at me with a smile.

"Oh, Hi there! what are you doing here?" I said paying my groceries.

"I'm here on my unicorn protecting the supermarket!" Anna said punching my sholder. "Why else would I be here?"

"I know it was stupid!" I said waiting for Anna to get her bags. I looked around to find a boy staring at me, actually he was in the same class as me. I then looked away as Anna finished and we went outside.

"I think that boy likes you" Anna said.

"What? who?" I replied. 

"One of your classmates! He was at the supermarket now and he was staring at you as always" she said with a wink.

"Nah! I don't think so" I said. 

When I arrived home I noticed a big green moving truck parked next door in the house that has been empty for 2 years, I found my curiosity seeps into my gaze as I watched people exiting the grey car that just arrived. A woman steps out first opening the door for a little boy with the cuttest face I've ever seen, He was adorable.

I'm not sure who I was expecting next, but it definitely wasn't the attractive moody boy who stepped out now. He looked around my age, tall , with a messy honey hair. No doubt, He is hot! My eyes locked onto him as he threads his fingers through his hair, but suddenly his gaze snaps to mine and I froze. After a second of hesitation, I jerked to the house but my cheeks were already burning. 

"I'm back" I said going to the kitchen.

"welcome back" my mom said from the living room.

I went to the kitchen grabbed a lollipop from what I bought and some drink from the fridge.

"I'm going upstairs to do some homeworks" I slammed the fridge's door shut and went upstairs. I headed straight to my desk, observing the mess and thinking about what homework I have.

After what it seemed like an endless hour of studying. I finally finished so I decided to go on the internet and chat with my friends as I always do. 2 hours passed by talking and fangirling with my bffs, I looked at the clock to find it was 2 a.m, so I got up to get ready for bed and went to sleep.


"Elena! you're going to be late for school!" 

I sighed, taking one last look in the mirror before I grabbed my bag, and rushed down stairs. kneeling down I quickly tied my converse and checked the other to make sure that it's tied too. 

"Elenaaaaa!" my mom called again. "C'mon you're-" She stopped as soon as she saw me in front of her. "Ready?" She asked as she continued washing the dishes. 

"yep" I sighed. 

She smiled putting the dishes away. and said "We don't want to be late to school now, do we?" . 

"Nope" I said running out of the house jumping into mom's car! waiting for her to come. 

When we arrived I quickly kissed mom and made my way to the class not paying attention. Suddenly I bumped into something hard, sending me flying to the floor. Ouch what the hell was that?  

"Watch were you're going sweet heart" I heard a deep voice. 

"Sorry.." I said looking at this person. Remember the guy I was talking about? I mean the new neighbour! It's him.

Shit this is so awkward!  I narrowed my eyes at him as he helped me to get up. "Thanks" I said picking up my books and walking away to the class. 

As usual the day seems to drag on, I went to 4 classes, Math was a huge bore and it doesn't help that the teacher's voice can make you drop asleep anytime.

Lola and I were going to the cafeteria and when we entered ,the smell of food hitted me causing my stomach to growl from the need of food. 

"Omg! yesss food" I said as we entered the line. 

"Calm down you're acting like you didn't eat for a week" Lola laughed. 

"Hey! All my energy went into trying to pay attention in math class" 

We payed our food and walked to our table where Anna and Sophia were sitting with their boyfriends. yeah! all my bffs has boyfriends except for me. Just as I was in about to take a bite of my pizza, I felt something kick my shoulder. I turned to Lola "What?"  

"Look who's staring at you, El" she said looking to the direction behind me. I turned around to find none other than that creepy boy from my class staring straight at me with a smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow in his direction and looked away. I don't know but he freaked me out, he stares at me the whole class, I find him kind of pedo. 

Lola's POV

I was pissing off Elena with that Austin, When my boyfriend Luke came. I got up and Hugged him, I didn't see him the whole weekend. I love him so much. He's funny, cool, caring, He has those bright blue eyes and that big smile, He's just perfect .

We sat with the group talking and watching vines on my phone so basically we laughed our asses off. When I looked around I found my ex making out with that queen bitch of the school. She's Blonde, Pretty and Fake.I felt a little bit  jealous, after all he's my ex I used to love him! But I'm glad we broke up. Having Luke is better than that jerk.

I shook my head from the thoughts when Luke's warm hand wrapped around my shoulder "Are you okay?" He said.

"yeah" I said resting my head on his shoulder, I looked up as he looked at me and we smiled at each other.

The day went by pretty fast. Soon enough school was done, Now I was at home with Luke, we ate diner with my family then we went up to my room to do some homeworks. yeah! if you're wondering we're in the same grade. 

After one hour of studying, Actually half of it we were making out . It started getting late so Luke went back to his house. And I began to get changed then went to bed thinking about the whole day till I fell asleep. 

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