Chapter 10

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Camila's PoV.

The sky is dark now and I've been driving for a few hours. Everyone is asleep but Lauren and I. I fight back a yawn and continue down the dark highway.

"Camz let me drive now," Lauren's husky voice says. I shake my head.

"I'm fine, Lo." I say trying to seem convincing.

"C'mon pull over." I nod and pull to a stop along the road. I climb out and Lauren does the same.

I put my safety belt on just as Lauren pulls away from the shoulder. I sigh and close my eyes.

"Do you want me to stay up with you?"

Lauren shakes her head and smiles. "No you get some sleep."

I kiss her cheek lightly and lay back and stare into the darkness for a while. I watch Lauren turn the radio on and adjust the volume.

"I love you, Camz." Lauren says before kissing the back of my hand.

"I love you too, Lauren," I say before closing my eyes with sleep.


I wake up in the back of the car with arms wrapped around me. I turn to see Lauren peacefully sleeping beside me.

The morning sun shines in through the windows and puts a glow on Lauren's tan skin. I kiss her cheek and hold her tighter.

"Dinah! I told you not to touch the damn radio!" Ally's voice carries through the car and I look up.

Ally is in the drivers and Normani is beside her laughing. Dinah is in the middle row leaning in between the seats changing the radio.

I laugh as Ally swats Dinah's hand away.

"Now this is some real music." Ally says. She puts the station back and the car blasts with opera music.

"Ugh!! Ally please if you change it I'll be quiet." Dinah pleads.

"After this song." Dinah nods and sits back in the seat.

"Nice to see you two awake." Normani says while turning to look at us.

"Lauren's not awake yet." Normani raises her eyebrows and points beside me.

I turn to see Lauren smiling at me.

"I guess you are awake," Lauren chuckles and kisses me lightly.

"What's for breakfast? I'm starved." I ask leaning forward and pulling Lauren with me.

"Well the GPS says there's an IHOP about 3 miles away." Normani says while clicking a few buttons on the device.

I nod.

"Ally, what are we listening to?" Lauren asks sleepily.

"Don't you criticize my music too, Lo." Ally replies before turning off the free way and down another road.

Lauren shakes her head. "I'm not, I kinda like it." Ally smiles and continues driving.

"Lauren, are you serious? This music is annoying, she's had it on repeat all morning." Dinah says after turning around to face us.

Lauren shrugs before climbing over the seat beside Dinah.

I stay in the back and stretch across the seat.

"Hey, the song is over, can we change it now?" Dinah practically begs.

"I'd say yes, but we've reached our destination." Ally says before pulling the keys out of the ignition.

Dinah sighs and climbs out of the car and we all follow after.

Lauren's PoV.

"Table for five please," Ally says to the man at the desk.

He smiles lightly and grabs a few menus. "Right this way he says."

He stops at a table in the back, places the menus down and walks away.

We take our seats and I notice not many people are here. The quietness bugs me and I wish for some distraction.

"Lauren, are you okay?" a soft voice asks and places their hand on my knee.

I nod. "It's just really quiet in here."

"Here I got this." Dinah smiles and pulls out her phone. She taps a few commands and Beyoncé starts blasting from the speakers.

"Dinah Jane! You're gonna get us kicked out!" Ally struggles to get her voice over the music. I laugh loudly and so does everyone else.

"Relax Ally, let's have some fun." Normani says just before standing up and dancing around the table. Soon enough Camila joins her and the few people in the building laugh and stare.

"Excuse me, but can you please sit down and shut off that music." a younger man says. Dinah laughs but nods her head.

She turns down the volume but just low enough so we can still here.

"I seriously hate you guys." Ally says with her head in her hands. "You're so embarrassing DJ."

Dinah shrugs and picks up her menu. We order and talk lightly until our food arrives.

After a few minutes of eating a police officer walks in the door. I choke on my pancake and try to hide my face with a napkin.

"What are you doing?" Normani asks before stuffing her face. I gesture towards the door and Ally turns around.

"Shit." she mutters. "Act cool and don't draw attention to yourselves." she looks at Dinah.

Dinah shuts off the music and we all eat quickly. I feel Camila's hand grab for my own and I squeeze it tight.

"C'mon guys." I say, I set money on the table and get up. The girls do the same and we walk towards the door with our heads down.

I'm last and he stops me before I can pass through the door. My hand is still grasping Camila's. I glance at her and she looks scared.

I look up and smile at the man before me.

"Are you Lauren Jauregui?"

I shake my head. "My name is Michelle Cabello."

Authors note:

thanks for all the reads! if anyone has ideas please let me know. feel free to kik me :13alex_renee13

5 comments and I'll post chapter 11

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