Chapter 2 - Tony called it.

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Vic's pov

What the hell just happened? One second I was eating dinner with my friends having a great time and then I'm rushing to some random park to save my husband from a crazy person.

Okay so Tony, Mike, Jaime and I were at this lovely dinner having some dinner after our show.

"Dude your phone is ringing." Mike said knocking me out of thought.

I swallowed the piece of chicken I was chewing and picked up my phone.

"An un-known number?" I whispered, "I'll be right back." I hopped out of the booth and went to the front of the place. "Hello." My voice came out shaky.

"Hello Victor." A voice that sent chills down my spine said.

"Who is this?"

"You don't remember me. Aw my feelings are so hurt." The voice pretended to cry. "Well Vic I suggest you go help your sweet little Kellin, before it's too late." Then the line went dead.

I quickly ran back in there and told the guys what was up and then ran back out while they paid the check. I was running for ten minutes until I saw Kellin walking towards the buses.

He was okay.

"Kellin!" He looked up, "Kellin." I shouted as I kept running towards him. Then I saw the man. He looked horrifying. His dark hair was swooped across his eyes and his body tucked into a place you wouldn't notice him. And then I realized who it was as he came out of the shadows and approached Kellin. "Kellin, run it's Andy!" Andy grabbed Kellin and pulled him away.

I Watched as Kellin's eyes roll to the back of his head as I stopped in my spot and reached for my phone. It wasn't there.

"Shit this can't be happening!" I said as I turned back towards the diner.

I'm not dumb, I know I can't take Andy by myself. have you seen him.

"Mike." I said as Mike and the two other guys turned around, "Kellin...gone...Andy...back" I said in between breathes, damn I need to run more.

"Andy's back." Jaime said in disbelief. I nodded.

"Fucking called it." Tony muttered under his breathe.

"Not the time Tone!" Mike shouted at the man stood behind him, "I thought Andy was dead?" Mike asked with wide eyes.

"Apparently not!" I could feel the tears starting to well in my eyes.

"Vic I think you're just really tired we should take you back to the bus and you can fall asleep and I can promise you Kellin will be in your arms tomorrow when you wake up." Jaime assured me.

"Yea I'm just tired." i mumbled as I followed my friends to the bus.

Just tired.

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