Chapter 3 - Petey

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Kellin's pov

My eyes fluttered open revealing a dark room. I tried to move my arms but everything felt numb.

"Don't bother." A female voice said in the darkness.

The voice sounded sad and amused.

"Who's there?" I tried to move my arms but they were still unresponsive.

"Hi." A girl popped out from the shadows. She had short dark hair that hung by her ears, "Don't even bother trying to move, he'll get very pissed off and you can't afford that man." She said leaning against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Who are you?" I knew I was on the brim of tears but I couldn't afford crying in front of this stranger.

"I'm Petey, not my real name of course but call me Petey." She gave me a toothy smile that I couldn't return, "I know you think I'm the bad guy because I'm moving around and you can't move your arms but that isn't true." She faded back into the shadows. A flick of a switch and then the lights were on.

I looked around my surroundings. A boring brick walled room, there was nothing in the room besides the chair I was sat in and a little desk in the opposite corner, and a wooden door.

"Why can't I move?"

"You just got here! There is no way in hell Andy was going to let you just wonder around here. You would try and escape and then you would get punished" Petey informed me. 

"Andy brought you here too?" She gave me an informative nod and went across the room and sat on the chair by the desk. "Why?"

"My wife dated him in high school but she dumped him for me and he didn't like that much so he seeked 'revenge.' He would have taken her but she was out with our daughter at the time and I was home so he took his opportunity." She shrugged and continued to scribble something down on paper on her desk. 

"You have a daughter? Andy is heartless." This is so messed up. Yea he took me away from Vic but Vic and I didn't have a kid together.

"Yea,Lottie" The girl smiled at the thought of her daughter, "She'll be 3 soon." 

"Is Lottie her real name?"

"Yes, I'll tell you her name and my wife's name because you don't know the and you'll probably never meet me. I lie about my name for my safety and there's in a way because there's many Jenna's and Amelia's in the world but you don't know their last name." She didn't even look as me as she spoke, "So kid whats your name?"


"Ohh Kellin that's a cool name where'd you get it from?" She asked finally looking up from the paper.

"My mother named me it." I spit out.

"That's your real name?" Her eyes widened.

"Yea I don't want to lie."

"You aren't lying your being careful. And if you aren't careful, you'll get killed." And with that she left the room.

This is so messed up.

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