Chapter 4 ~ Empty Hearts and Cancelled Concerts

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Vic's pov

Kellin has been missing for 2 days.

2 sad, tear filled days.

We've informed the police and they are "doing the best they can."

I've barley moved since he disappeared. My life has been empty and I constantly feel numb. Kellin was like my life line since day one. I know I bullied him and I acted like he meant nothing, but when we met for the second time, he became the only person I needed, and I fell in love with him. If Kellin never comes back, god forbid, I don't know how I am going to live.

The worst part about this is that I know who did this. Andy fucking Glass.

I saw him. I saw that stupid little smirk he had on his face as Kellin fell onto the ground. I tried telling the rest of the guys but they just keep telling me the Andy is dead. Maybe I'm just going insane.

We had to cancelled the future concerts. The fans don't know what's going on, so they were very upset wih us. The only people who know about Kellin's disappearance is Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, and the rest of the crew.

I don't care if it kills me to find him but I will.

Who would have thought, our cute little love story, would turn into this horrible story line.

"Vic come on, you have to eat." Mike pounded the door with sympathy in his voice.

"No." I said staring into space. I was listening to music, I haven't watched tv in 24 hours. I knew they were going to find out about Kellin soon. Everyone was going to be worrying about Kellin and I would have to answer more god damn questions!

"When was the last time you saw Kellin Quinn?" The police man asked me in the dark room, light only by a table lamp.

"I saw him getting dragged away." I kept eye contact with the table bracing myself for the tears that were about to be shed.

"And who was that, may I ask?" His voice was cold and uninterested but he tried his hardest to look concerned, even though I knew he wasn't.

Kellin was a nobody to him. I bet he hasn't even heard the name 'Kellin Quinn' until today. That didn't bother me. It was only important if I knew Kellin.

"Andy Glass." The name sat on my lips like poison that I was so desperate to spit out.

The cop held a skeptical look. "Who's 'Andy Glass?'"

"His ex." was all I chose to say. I didn't want to seem dramatic to the man who will find my husband.

"We'll do the best we can son." He said picking up the notebook with a few words writting down on the white lined pages.

I rose from my chair and left the station as quick as I could knowingg I was just going to break into a desperate cry for this nightmare to end once.

The rapid knocking on Vic's door got him to stop thinking about the horrible interview he had yesterday with the cop.

"Come on Vic, just go outside for a second." It was now Jaime at the other side of the door.

I slowly got up from my bed that had the in dent of my butt in it. I smiled and walked to the door/ When I pushed it open I was greeted with the three shocked faces of my band members.

"Okay." I smiled pushing past them.

I missed Kellin, but I know he doesn't want me sulking around like a dork without him.

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