Chapter 5 ~ Andy's Smart Mouth

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Kellin's pov

Petey had a room of her own, but she spent most of her time with me in my room. I haven't seen Andy at all for the two days I've been here.

"Why can you leave the room and I can't?" I ask her when she opens my door to bring me my lunch. She let out an impatient sigh and placed the plate on the desk by the door.

"Kellin you haven't even seen Andy yet. You have to much hope that you'll find away out. I'm protecting you." He said pulling a chair over to my bed.

Normally if you get kidnapped, you're tortured, killed. Horrible things are suppose to happen but so far I've just sat in this room and talked to Lauren.

"And Kellin. this room is the safest part of this whole thing. He won't be in here, but he will be out there." he turned to gesture to her door, "Shit!" she muttered looking at the clock on top of the door, "I'm sorry Kellin, I'll be back later." She pulled my head down and placed a soft kiss on my forehead in a motherly matter before running out with a worried look on her face.

I wonder that was about. I shrugged it off and laid down on my bed, but not even a moment later the wooden door swung open, there was a man but before I could day anything my he grabbed my arm, my vision faded to black as a sharp pain ran up my left arm.


Ow everything hurts.

"Oh baby you're up, sorry about the drugging thing I didn't want you to put up a fight."Oh god not him, anybody but him.

"Let us go Andy." I say looking up at the possessed man in front of me.

"Why would I do that. Now we can be in love Kellin with out the fucking Mexican getting in our way." Andy smiled putting two fingers under my chin.

I tried to slap his hands away but just like the first day my arms were unable to move. Andy pulled my head closer to him and forced a kiss on my mouth. Instantly I pulled away thinking about Vic.

That was a dumb idea. A sharp stinging pain ran up the right side of my face.

"When I won't to kiss you, you let me kiss you, understand?" Andy graybeard my wrist and tightened his grip. I nodded quickly looking down again. "O how is your stay so far." He gave a wicked smile that would make girls swoon but made me shiver. I refused to answer so the grip on my wrist tighten so tight I could feel the bones craking.

"It's awful." I spit at him, relived when his hand loosened.

'Good I hope you're suffering." he placed another kiss on my lips.

Someone save me please.

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