Chapter 8

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We feed the babies through the night, only catching naps in between. Violet is getting better about not always wanting me making it easier on us and he is happier too. I think all she wanted was some stability and she has that now. 

When the morning feeding takes place, a lactation consultant comes in to see us. I'm in the middle of feeding Violet, she introduces herself to me, "Good morning Mrs. Nelson, I'm Sophia Staples. I'm here to give you lactation options. I understand that you've had bilateral mastectomies with reconstruction surgery. Is that correct?" I nod. 

"I also understand the twins are trying to nurse on you?" I nod again. 

"Mrs. Nelson, because of the mastectomy surgery you know you have no milk ducts to feed them, but I'm here because we have a way you can use a supplemental feeding system with them and it will help you with bonding. Instead of bottle feeding them every 2-3 hours, bottle feed every other feeding. If you are successful, you may be able to eliminate the bottle feedings altogether. I will set you up with a supplemental system to feed the babies. They will think they are breastfeeding from you and it will be enjoyable for you both. I have to tell you that it may not last long because some babies get confused between the bottle and the supplement system, they may abandon all breastfeeding for the bottle." 

I ask her, "How long do you think I will have to breastfeed them with the supplemental system?" She pauses for a brief moment, "You may be lucky enough to get 1-3 months but usually women like yourself with no milk supply only get a few weeks; feel successful if you get a month of it. It is going to be difficult with twins, it might be better to only breastfeed supplement one. Mrs. Nelson, describe to me how the babies are suckling on you now." 

I tell her how Violet is aggressive after the feedings latching on my breast even though I know she is full. Ethan is sluggish, using me more like a pacifier. 

"Okay, that tells me a lot. Mr. Nelson, have they tried to nurse on you?" He looks at me big-eyed surprised, shrugs and then shakes his head. 

She continues, "Good! Babies instinctively know the bigger breasts have all the groceries. Alright Mr. & Mrs. Nelson, I'll be back in three hours to give the supplemental system a try. In the meantime, rest and enjoy your babies. Do some skin-to-skin contact with them during this time to continue to assist the babies bonding to you." 

She leaves and he looks at me forlorned, probably because he's been left out of the process. "Sweetheart, it's alright. The babies will bond and love you just as much." We are finished feeding them and see they are getting drowsy. Our breakfast arrived and Cyndi is here to help us with them. She takes them to the bassinet to sleep so we can eat breakfast. "Mr & Mrs. Nelson, after you have breakfast, I would like to suggest you take a shower so you are clean for the babies skin-to-skin contact and the breastfeeding later. Mrs. Nelson, don't use any products like oils or lotion on your breasts for the supplement trial run or any underarm antiperspirant deodorant. I'll tend to them until you are ready." 

We savor a delish breakfast while we watch Cyndi take care of the babies, changing them and cleaning them up for the day. After breakfast, we go over to the bassinet to observe the twins sleeping. "Babe, can you believe they are ours to take home? God placed this precious cargo in our care, they are so special." 


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