You're Hurting Yourself

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I wait until night fall before I sneak out of my room and head towards where Loki is being kept.

After my talk with Thor I took the time to think of how I was going to approach Loki. He is most likely still upset, which I am too. But I am not going to let some stupid dream stop me from trying to find out what happened. 

The short amount of time I spent with Loki, I could tell that something must have happened to him. Something must of happened in order for Loki to take those people's lives.  With the knowledge gained from Thor, I can take a pretty good guess that something happened when Loki fell from the Bifrost. But what?

I once again packed a bag with a blanket, my sketch book, and this time I am bringing along my earbuds with my phone. I came up with the plan to basically force him to be near me, which will force us to talk to one another.

It's a dangerous plan, but it's all I have at the moment.

Once I make it to the securely locked door keeping everyone away from Loki who is being held inside, I stop. I usually would instantly phase through the door, but I hesitate.

'Don't you dare show your face to me again.'

Loki's words play through my head.

It hurt when he first said them to me and it still hurts thinking about them. But right now, I can't let that stop me from trying to fix this. I take in a deep breathe and slowly let it out. I build up my courage and I then phase through the door, not wanting to wait any longer.

As soon as I enter the room, my eyes land on Loki.

He is sitting in the far corner of the cage, his head looking at the ground. His hair looks like a disheveled mess, most likely from running his fingers through it multiple times. As I look him over I feel the depressing energy in the room suffocating me. Looking at Loki, I know he is the source of this energy.

I wasn't expecting this from him, but seeing him here like this........hurts.

I make my way to the entrance of the cage, my footsteps signaling my arrival. Loki lifts his head up and looks over at me. I finally see his eyes and my breathe catches in my throat. His once bright eyes, are now a dark shade of green and hold only the emotion of pain.

I stop at the entrance of the cage, watching as he stands up. He hides his face from me before he looks back at me with a glare. I don't make a move as I watch him walk towards me.

"The foolish mortal has returned." He laughs.

He has his hands behind his back, keeping a calm composer as he stops in front of me, the glass still being between us. Although his composure appears calm, I know he is anything but. I stare up into his eyes, not flinching as he hits the glass with his fist.

"I told you to never show your face to me again." he sneers.

I try my best to smile, not wanting to show what affect he has on me when he is angry "You should know by now I don't follow orders."

Loki scoffs at my remark and watches closely as I move closer to the glass. My heart pounding in my chest as I build up the courage I need.

Loki smirks "You truly have a death wish."

"The moment you enter here, I will not hesitate to kill you." He states, causing my body to freeze as I look up into his eyes.

Loki laughs at my frozen state "Your fear still controls you. I suppose it's for the better."

I look closely into Loki's eyes, seeing the pain from earlier attempting to be covered with a facade of control. He is just as scared as I am right now, I just don't know what he has to be scared of from me.

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