Until Next Time

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The day after the battle of New York, the Avengers were once again assembled. They were assembled to witness Loki being taken back to Asgard along with Thor. The night before I begged my father to let me come. He was hesitant at first, but after hours of me begging him, he allowed me to come, as long as I stayed with him and Tony.

I stand outside in a circle along with the rest of the gang. My dad to my right with his hand encasing mine, along with Tony on my other side also holding my hand. I know they both mean for this to comfort me, but to me it almost feels like chains keeping me from running to Loki.

I lower my head and look down at the cracks in the ground. My eyes trace over them multiple times as we wait. I feel awkward just standing here, knowing that everyone in this circle knows my true feelings for Loki, and I am too scared to face any of them right now.

"Lady Dylan."

I look up at the familiar voice to find Thor standing in front of me. I can't help but let a small smile come to my face. This isn't just a day to say goodbye to Loki, but to also say goodbye to Thor.

He looks down at me with a smile on his face "It has truly been an honor fighting along such a brave warrior." 

I pull myself from my father and Tony's grip so I can wrap Thor up in a hug. As soon as I hug him, I feel him return the hug immediately. His hugs are so warm and full of joy I try to take in as much of it as I can before letting go.

"I'm going to miss you." I tell him honestly as he releases me from his grasp.

"And I will miss you Lady Dylan." He gives me one last smile before walking towards the center of the circle.

My father takes a hold of my hand again, giving me a reassuring squeeze. Tony rests a hand on my shoulder as I hear the sound of the truck pulling up. I feel my heart clench as it comes to a halt and the back of it begins to open. I tighten my grasp on my fathers hand as my heart continues to pound in my chest. I watch closely as the door completely opens and I am instantly met with a piercing green stare.

I watch Loki begin to walk out of the truck, his hands cuffed together, along with a binding over his mouth keeping him from talking. My heart sinks as I see the shape he is in. I cans till see the scratches on his face, making me wonder how his ribs must feel right now, knowing he was in a lot of pain before, even if he refused to show it.

He makes eye contact with Thor and he begins to walk towards him. I can't find anything to say as he stops before Thor. Thor lifts the containment between the two of them, as he hands the other end of it to Loki, he turns his head to look at me. I freeze as Loki looks directly into my eyes.

I feel Tony's grip on my shoulder tighten slightly, but I pay no mind to it as I look back at Loki. His eyes with the same sparkle behind them but I can see the sadness and fear buried deep within them. It is then I feel a familiar nudge within my mind.

I instantly recognize this feeling as Loki trying to talk to me telepathically. I instantly open up my mind to him and I am met with instant joy. He shows me our first moment together. My small form trying to be fearless in front of him, while he looked down on me with a bit of annoyance. I can't help but laugh as I see this, realizing how foolish I must have seemed. It then changes to when I cried in Loki's grip, it was our first night together, and the first night I opened up to someone in a long time. It then changes once more to when we danced together and shared our first kiss. Butterflies build in my stomach as I look at Loki, his eyes shinning brightly at seeing my smile. I want the last image he sees of me is my smile. I don't want him to worry about me, and I want him to know just how strong I can be for him.

He watches me carefully before he begins to lower himself to the ground, not once breaking eye contact with me as he does so. I feel my breathe hitch in my throat once I see him kneeling on the ground before me.

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