Say Mercy

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The next moment I open my eyes I feel the familiar cool touch still embracing me. I slowly lift my head to look at the person responsible for this embrace. I am met with the relaxed face of Loki. His eyes closed as gentle breathes move from his chest. His hair is slightly disheveled, a few stray pieces laying against his face.

I allow a small smile to grace my features as I look over his face multiple times. I have said it before, but Loki truly does reach a new level of beauty when he is relaxed.

'I kind of want to draw him.'

As soon as that thought enters my mind, I find myself phasing through him in order to get out of his grasp. I smile in triumph once I am free from his grip and he continues to sleep. 

I walk over to my bag and pull out my sketch book and pencil. I sit comfortably with Loki's jacket still wrapped around me as I open the sketchbook to an empty page. I look at Loki before I begin to sketch.

I don't bother checking what time it is once I begin to draw. I know it is late, and everyone else is probably asleep by now. My visits with Loki seem to be getting longer and longer. It becomes riskier with each visit, but at this point I don't really care.

After yesterday's events, I feel like I have become closer to Loki. He showed me a side of himself others haven't. I don't mean him turning blue, although I do have questions about that. I have a feeling that the fact Loki is adopted has something to do with that. But I want him to open up to me about that when he is ready, I can wait.

But yesterday, he did something I wasn't expecting.

Loki cried.

He held me and cried.

I don't remember how long we stayed like that. I fell asleep at one point and apparently so did he. 

I know it was stupid what I did last night, and that's why I'm hoping something like that doesn't happen again. I'm not going to doubt Loki, and I am going to help him. I can't do much for him, but if I can do anything to make him the slightest bit happier, then I am going to do that.

I did promise him I am going to protect him, but I don't know how.

I don't want to imagine how my father would react if he found out I was visiting the enemy. But Loki doesn't feel like the enemy. At least not to me. If dad found out he'd probably ground me for life, but he can't really do that anymore since I am an adult. I just don't want dad to worry, which is exactly why he's not going to find out about this.

Nobody can know about this.

It's a good thing the guy in charge of the security cameras is too busy playing a game and not focusing on his job. I should thank him later.


I look up from my sketch and at the owner of that voice.

I see Loki sitting up on his elbows as a yawn escapes him. His eyes are half lidded as he attempts to escape from sleep. He stretches before sitting up completely and moving his hair out of his face.

"Good morning." I say to him.

I look down at my sketch, deciding to add one last detail to it before I close it and put it away into my bag. I look back over at Loki to see him watching my actions, one of his eyebrows raised.

"What were you drawing?" he asks, his voice husky after waking from his sleep.

'That's a voice I could get use to.'

I shake my head "It's nothing just a random sketch."

Loki raises himself to his feet as he walks over to me, resting his chin on my shoulder "May I see?"

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