The Stab - And Keith's Reaction

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A/N: So the art is not mine, and neither is Voltron (or its characters). Also, the art isn't really related to the story, so just enjoy some Klance pics!! :) P.S. I think it'll be Lance's POV the whole time, but at least for this chapter.

     I raced through the halls of the castle and burst into the bridge. Shiro and Allura stopped talking and faced me abruptly, both blushing furiously, but their secret wasn't important to me right now. "Have you seen Keith?" I blurted. Too long! My mind screamed. Too long without Keith! Where IS he? 

     "Uh, no..." Allura said awkwardly. "Wasn't he on the training deck?" she asked, taking a step closer and frowning contemplatively.

     "I checked there!" I practically screamed at her.

     Shiro stepped closer as well, one arm out as if to grab my shoulder. "Hey, Lance, calm down," he said to me. I pushed his hand away, but I kept listening. "He's probably just in his room studying his knife or something. Don't worry about it."

     I knew he was trying to be helpful, but my need for Keith was driving me insane. "How could he be studying his knife when his boyfriend is in need?" Tears formed at the corners of my eyes, and I sniffed, trying not to cry.

     "Boyfriend?" I heard Allura ask under her breath. I flushed bright red. We weren't, technically... but oh, how I wished for that to become reality!

     "Look, Lance," Shiro said. "I'm sure he's in his room. Just check there. One room at a time, Lance. It's gonna be okay." He smiled comfortingly, and I felt his peace spread to me, calming me down enough to be rational.

      I took a deep breath. "Okay. Thanks, Shiro."

      "No problem," he responded, but I was already out the door. I raced through the halls toward his room, my eyes darting down every hallway branch in case he just happened to be there. I rounded the last corner at top speed, and that's when I saw him leaving his room. The sight of him was so reassuring, I didn't even notice what he was looking at.

     "Keith!" I shouted, and sprinted the distance. He looked up and smiled at me. I barreled into him full force, and he fell backwards. I shielded his head and neck with my hands, so when they hurt, I wasn't surprised. What did surprise me was the cold metal hissing through my clothing and puncturing my flesh. I grunted, partly from pain, but mostly from the shock.

     "Lance!" he cried. "Oh, no no no..." His words sounded louder than I knew he was saying them, and for a moment I wondered if I was going to pass out. Suddenly the world was spinning, and then it cleared up again. I was lying on my back with Keith's beautiful face hovering over mine. He looked so concerned. Why is he worried? I thought, but no sooner had I thought it than an agonizing burst of pain crackled through my body. I looked down, and Keith's Blade was in sword form, sticking out of my midriff, to the left of my belly button.

     "Oh," I said. "Oh, no, I'm allergic to magic weapons!" I panted weakly.

     "What?!" Keith said, and all of a sudden he was cracking up. He laughed so hard he could barely breathe, and that made me laugh. But my laugh hurt so much that I winced, and just at that moment, Shiro barged around the corner.

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