11.: Forceful Encounter

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You were waiting in the hospital near Briggs, in which Kimblee had been stationed. While he had jumped onto the train Scar had boarded, you and the other men had remained on the military one. Arriving in the north, you had been informed that Kimblee had taken a fatal wound in his fight against Scar and had been taken to the hospital.

At the moment, a person from Fort Briggs was talking to him, so you were waiting until he would leave, to visit him.

When the door to the waiting room finally opened, you were met with a dark-skinned man with an incredible height. He eyed you - at least you thought he did, as his eyes were covered by snow-blindness goggles - without bending his brow.

"Good afternoon, sir", you said politely, seeing that he was wearing a military uniform, and stood up to meet his height at least somewhat.

"And you are?", the man asked without greeting you.

"I'm one of Kimblee's subordinates", you answered. "(Y/n) (l/n)."

This time, the man raised a brow at you, giving you the feeling of being scoffed at, but he didn't waste any more words on you. Just as you had already expected, Kimblee wasn't very popular in the military. Working under him, you were judged as well. You didn't care about that, being liked was not your goal, everything you were doing was only for Isa.

"Major Miles, from Briggs", he finally introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure to make your aquaintance, major", you said with a small smile. "I'm looking forward to working together regarding the search for Scar."

"Your boss doesn't seem to share your opinion", Miles remarked.

"Yeah, I guess you're right", you answered with a small laugh. "Kimblee doesn't like his job being taken from him. But I still think that some cooperation is essential to succeed. Because we don't know the terrain and weather here in the North."

Miles studied you for a moment before asking, "You don't follow Kimblee on your own free will, do you?"

"In the military it's hard to choose who to follow", you said, not wanting to reveal too much of your personal situation. "The only choice I have is to endure whatever it takes to reach my goals."

"True", Miles agreed. "You don't seem like a person who shares Kimblee's mindset."

"I suppose there's hardly anybody who does that", you remarked with a soft laugh.

The major nodded.

"Well then, see you in Fort Briggs, (y/n)."

"See you then, sir", you saluted and he left you with the soft smile remaining on your face.

You liked this man. You could sense he possessed a healthy righteousness, and a lot of strength, physically as well as mentally.

"You're not hurt", you said, a bit surprised.

"I was healed", Kimblee answered. "But I did underestimate Scar."

"Did you get him?", you asked, but regretted the question the second you voiced it. Kimblee scoffed. Additionally to your insensitive question, he didn't seem to be in the best mood, despite being fully healed.

"I'm sorry, sir", you tried to apologize, but he stopped you with a gesture of his hand. You shut up.

Kimblee stood up from the hospital bed and walked closer to you. In slight fear, you resisted the temptation to back away and stood your ground, even as he had long invaded your personal space.

"I'm not in a good mood, (y/n)", he confirmed your suspicions. "I would really like to distract myself right now."

"Sir?", you asked, suppressing a quiver in your voice.

Kimblee's hand found your cheek and you flinched at the touch, but stayed where you were regardless. Staring at his eyes without fear in yours.

His touch was much gentler than you had expected, too gentle to resist enjoying the skin contact. You bit the inside of your cheek to stay focused.

As his thumb grazed your lower lip, you shivered slightly. Somehow, you were disgusted by his touch, but craved it anyway. Deep down, the sudden wish that he would kiss you right now arose, and you wouldn't hesitate to throw your arms around him and kiss back, despite how you would hate yourself afterwards for giving in. The thought of that wish alone sickened you.

Luckily for your pride, that was not his plan.

"(Y/n)", he said quietly, but darkly. "You do know how to please a man, right?"

With the back of your hand you wiped your mouth and the tears from your eyes. You hurt. Your jaw ached, your throat was sore and the back of your head throbbed painfully from the force he had used to grab your hair.

You were disgusted, by him and by yourself, since you had oblidged without the slightest struggle. But at the same time, you were proud too. You felt strong.

Because to you, this was a test to see just how much you would endure for your sister. And you knew you could endure even more than that, that you would endure everything. So, in your opinion, you had just passed that test.

Kimblee, acting uninterested, as if nothing had just happened, closed his pants and fixed his white suit.

"Let's go", he said, putting on his hat, and you stood up, wavering but still determined. "The car to Fort Briggs is waiting."

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