Chapter 34

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Sirius and George were a few feet apart. Sirius was standing, and George was sitting. Sirius was glad for that, how was he supposed to have a father to boyfriend of daughter conversation when said boyfriend was a giant?

Sirius crossed his arms and pursed his lips, looking down at the boy.

He had never doubted that the boy liked his daughter, she was beautiful after all, just like her mother, and she was one of the most intelligent and funny people he had ever met.

Sometimes he was surprised she was related to him, then he would remember how he had acted while in school with James and Lupin.

He had been so carefree back then, there was never a moment that he wasn't smiling about something.

Siera reminded him of that version of himself, it was enough to make him think she could get away with anything if she just smiled at him.

Even though Sirius had known that George liked his daughter, was kind to her, and obviously made her happy he hadn't realized how deep the attraction ran.

He remembered being with Claire, when they had actually been together.

Their romance had been doomed from the beginning. She came from a wealthy muggle household, and while he was rich by wizard standards he looked destitute in the eyes of her family.

Not to mention she was a muggle, and therefore hated by his family.

They had gone against their family's wishes and fallen in love so quickly Sirius had felt as if he had stopped breathing.

Then, when she found out about the wizarding world he could feel her withdrawing from her.

He tried to show her the beauty in it, the fun that people could have in Diagon Alley, the wealth that he had in Gringots.

She was not impressed, though, she couldn't see past her fear of the unknown.

One night, he awoke and the bed that they had bought together was empty and all of her things were gone.

He never saw her again.

But he remembered while they were together, that he would have done anything for her.

Even step in front of a killing curse.

Now, here he stood, in front of the man who had sacrificed his life for Siera's and he could feel his heart beating quickly with anxiety as he prepared himself for his speech.

"George," Sirius started, aware that the boy had now given him his full attention. "I know that I haven't been all that nice to you since I found out about you and Siera dating. I'm not apologizing for that, I suspect your father will do the same for Ginny if he ever meets one of her boyfriends. Anyways, you probably think I hate you. That may have been true a while ago, but I got used to the idea of you two being together and now you aren't that bad."

Sirius paused and let out a heavy breath, sinking into a chair not far from George's bed.

He put his head in his hand for a moment and then looked up at George again, who was staring at Sirius hopefully.

"I came in here to tell you thank you."

George let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding.

"Thank you for saving Siera's life... and I guess mine also. I don't know what I would have done, had I lost her too. From what Harry's told me, I guess this isn't the first time. He tells me that you've helped her ever since you two have met."

Sirius looked into George's eyes and shook his head, "You've been in love with my daughter since you laid eyes on her, haven't you?"

George flushed, "Y-yes sir."

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