ONE SHOT (Fanficfriday)

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Hood and Hemmings

(C) Emily Brown

Just to clarify, this is a fanfiction one shot that I'm writing for fun (and for the #fanficfriday contest that my friend told me about).

Characters such as, Grace, Aaron and Casey are the only fictional people in the novel, so please don't steal them.



"You'll get a boyfriend soon Grace, I promise"

That 'promise' was the last thing Aaron, my best friend, said before I got into the car that my Dad rented, and drove to my grandma's for Summer. It was the first time in years I'd spent without Aaron and was the end of life as I knew it.

On that drive to my grandma's, all I could think about was Aaron and how he was lucky to receive his good looks from his dad, Luke Hemmings; yet my dad, Calum Hood, gave me none of his. I had acne, a boy-like build and an unladylike figure. No boobs, no curves- absolute zilch.

So you could imagine why Ben Mulligan, Jacob Daniels, Zach Jones and Eddie Trotman said they didn't want to go out with me. You could also imagine why I dreaded going to my Grandma's for a 'Christmas family gathering'- everyone on both my Mum and Dad's side of the family were stunning and handsome... and then there was me.

However, when I arrived at Grandma's, Auntie Mali greeted me with, "Grace, your acne's cleared up really well. It's barely there!"

As soon as Mali said this, I quickly looked into the reflection of my phone screen and compared it to my lock screen (a photo of Aaron and I last year). Wow. My skin was twice as good as it was last year. However, my skin improving was only the tip of the iceberg.

Grace's POV:

As soon as I get out of the car, I run as fast as my little legs will carry me and nearly crush Aaron's non-existent man boobs with my embrace. I wrap my arms around his waist and he spins me round and round. After a few seconds of spinning, Aaron puts me down and holds my shoulders at arms length, cocking his head to the side.

"Wow. Gracie, you've changed," Aaron says, somewhat nervously, as he lets out an awkward cough, his eyes quickly scanning my body.

"What?" I ask, confused. "Have I gained weight? Oh shit, I probably look as fat as fu-"

"Grace! Shut the fuuu-fluff up!" Casey has literally turned into a parrot over Summer!" Aaron whisper-shouts in my ear, pointing to his adorable little sister (who is currently clinging to her dad's leg like a monkey or something), "and no. You haven't gained weight. Except here," Aaron says, somewhat awkwardly, creating boobs with his hands to mirror my newly born, C cup boobs.

Why's Aaron acting all weird?

"You look kinda hot," Aaron continues, "Which sounds really weird; we're like brother and sister."

For some reason Aaron's comment makes me sad. I'm not sure why. I mean, he's absolutely right. We're practically family for crying out loud!

'But you're not family.' A small, voice in the back of my head says. Shut up, head!

"Shut up, head?" Aaron raises his eyebrows, smirking. "Would you like to share the war going on inside of your head?"

Somehow I find myself blushing like a fangirl.

"N-no," I stutter, the crimson crawling from the apples of my cheeks to my temples like a rash.

"Only if you're sure," Aaron says, a hint of playfulness in his gorgeous voice. Hey! Since when did I can my best friend's voice gorgeous? I mean, yeah, he is the offspring of the heartthrob, Luke Hemmings (who is still incredibly sexy; just don't tell anyone I said that- he's as old as my dad), but he's my best friend. I can't go calling him gorgeous, or sexy, or any other adjectives that describe Aaron perfectly- it's just too weird. On the other hand, however, he did talk about my boobs and, I hate to say it but, it didn't feel weird. Neither did it feel weird when he called me hot. It didn't feel weird at all and, deep down, I don't feel weird when I mentally call him gorgeous (and every other word that describes him).

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