Chapter 1

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(Hey guys in the comments please tell me weather or not you think Sebastian is a tsundere or a yandere. Anyway now watch me attempt, and fail, at being descriptive in my writing. And so thing cringe begins....just a warning now, more than a few of your brain cells may die while reading this. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! And as a sidenote, this first chapter is kind of boring.)

I sat up from my resting space in a cold sweat. I looked around the room, searching for signs of danger only to find I was the only on in the living room (Image below). I let out a sigh of relief and laid back down on the hardwood floor, pulling the blankets up to my shoulders and drifting into the cozy darkness of sleep.

          Night terrors had never failed to wake me up in the dead of night every night ever since I had sent Sebastian, Ciel, and Grell back to their dimension

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          Night terrors had never failed to wake me up in the dead of night every night ever since I had sent Sebastian, Ciel, and Grell back to their dimension. The dreams had always consisted of images of me mercilessly killing all of the people I held dear from that dimension, as well as Grell, slowly and painfully as they screamed for mercy. However once they had all died their corpses levitated into a standing position and hovered around me as they chanted things in a mixture of English and Latin before fire would engulf my body, sending searing pain throughout my body as I screamed at the top of my lungs, but that's when I always wake up.  

          I awoke to light filtering through the thin checkered black and white curtains that hung loosely from a skinny, black pole placed above the window that was placed above the kitchen sink that sat, undivided by a wall, across from the living room. I let out a groan as I pushed the grey  blanket off of me and stood up, stretching. Stumbling my way over to the kitchen (image below) and opened a cabinet above the fridge. Standing on my tiptoes, I reached up for a box of [favorite cereal] and set in on the grey, marble counter. I then walked over to the white ceramic sink and grabbed a silver spoon as well as a ceramic bowl with two black stripes running around the rim of the bowl and placed the items next to the cereal box and then walked over to the black refrigerator I placed my hand on the cold smooth plastic handle and opened the fridge revealing an array of foods and beverages all neatly lined up, waiting to be used to cook and elaborate meal.

 I then walked over to the white ceramic sink and grabbed a silver spoon as well as a ceramic bowl with two black stripes running around the rim of the bowl and placed the items next to the cereal box and then walked over to the black refrigerator...

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My eyes skimmed over all the items until I found the small jug of milk. I reached into the fridge and pulled out the small jug of mild before closing the fridge door and walking back over to the counter. I gently placed the jug of mild on the smooth marble counter before proceeding to make myself a bowl of cereal. 

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