Chapter 2

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(A/n: apologies ahead of time for all Claude fans as well as for any spelling / grammatical errors.)

Just as I was about to collide with the ground I came to an abrupt stop, my face inches away from the sharp edge of the black, steel stove as my breath caught in my throat. I was pulled away from the stove by and invisible force before I was released and I face planted into the floor. "Ooooooow." I groaned into the floor. As I finished my groaning and I sat up on the floor I heard a faint laughter, the voice seemed to belong to a male. I looked for the source of the laughter but saw nothing that could have been the source "Well self I guess we're gonna have to get some salt and incense." I said to myself as I stood up and padded over to the kitchen.

I silently opened a cabinet below the sing and grabbed out a container of rock salt . I then set the item on the counter before walking over to the oven and opening the cabin above it and reached up to grab a small metal container of holy water, though I despised the substance it was necessary to carry it at times. Just as my fingers grazed the cool steel of the bottle I noticed movement in my peripheral vision so I turned my head and saw the glass of rock salt levitating off of the counter but I didn't have much time to register the situation before the glass jar came flying, aiming straight for my head. Time seemed to freeze as my eyes glowed a demonic crimson and I moved safely out of the way before time returned to normal and the jar cam whizzing past my head and hitting the wall just above the couch, sending shards of glass and grains of salt every-which way.

Rage boiled in me as I stared at the mess, as well as the dent that the jar had made in the wall. "Do you know how long it took me to fix that wall after your last tantrum?!" I yelled in a distorted voice that sounded as if I was a glitching video game. "Who ever you are, show yourselves now!" I yelled in a demonic voice. The room became dark, as though someone had flicked a switch that turned off the sun and two glowing gold eyes appeared out of the shadows. It was then that I sensed it, how could I have not sensed it before! How could I be so stupid! It was obvious to me now as I sensed the demons presence, a spider demon to be exact but not too powerful, this was not your everyday spirit you would find in an old house.

"Aww, I was hoping to have some more fun." A monotone voice spoke. But not just any monotone voice, but it couldn't be he died in the ending of season two, this voice belonged to someone who goes by the name of Claude Faustus. "Holy mother of Primus, look who it is! Well if it isn't the bane of my existence!" I yelled in agitation. Claude gave me a sideways look before quickly brushing it off and continued taking his long strides towards me. "Damn you Claude Faustus into the deepest pits of hell!" I yelled at the demon as I snatched a second glass jar of rock salt from right next to the holy water and threw the salt at him. As soon as the salt hit his skin it was as though it were acid eating through his skin, though Claude still upheld an indifferent face no sings of pain at all. " Why the fuck do demons have to be such a pain." I groaned in annoyance.

"It's most improper for a lady to raise her voice, let alone use such foul language. It seems you'll have to be punished." Claude said with a smirk. I mentally cursed myself for my stupidity yet again before I calmed myself down for a moment "So....What is it you want? Or are you just here for your own personal enjoyment? And I though you died!" I said, yelling the last bit. Claude let out a sigh "I'm here to fulfill an order." was all he said, walking closer so that there were only two yards of space between us. He smirked causing my jaw to drop before his eyes glowed fuchsia and the room seemed to grown darker than thought physically possible.

I quickly ran around him and started sprinting up the stairs, taking them two at a time. As soon as I made it to the top I dashed over to the dresser and opened the top drawer before snatching the [f/c] crystal that I had turned into a for safe keeping out of the drawer and dashed over to the far corner of the room before smashing the crystal on the ground.

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