Chapter 3

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 Before I had time to comprehend what was happening, [Y/n] leaped forward, in hand as she raised the blade, prepared to deliver a blow, as her eyes locked onto her target. I quickly snapped out of my 'trance' and lunged forward, knife in hand and aimed at the demon's heart. But before either of us could deliver a debilitating blow, it was as though we were pushed back by some invisible force which slammed us to the floor. My senses were blinded by pain, as I let out a groan and my dagger fell to the stone floor with a clatter.

~~~[Y/n] POV~~~

I quickly sat up from my sitting position and darted my eyes around the room until they found Sebastian, standing in the center of the room with a smirk on his face. With a wave of his hand, I felt myself being slammed against the jagged stone wall, a loud crack sounding quickly after. I let out a cry of pain as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. Sebastian then began walking over to Orias who lay on the ground, blood seeping from his head, and picked up the weapon from the ground and smiled sadistically as he stared down upon the demon. "Orias! Get up!" I called out struggling against the force that held me back. Orias stirred before his eyes quickly snapped open in alarm and quickly got back to his feet before reaching out a hand for the familiar texture of the smooth metal of his dagger only to find his precious weapon was missing.

Orias let out a sigh before saying "I really didn't want to show this side of me in front of such innocent eyes, but I'm afraid you leave me no choice." Sebastian cocked his head to the side, "Oh, is the 'ferocious' demon going to show his true nature?" he teased with a smirk creeping it's way onto his face. At the comment the darkness only seemed to thicken, blocking all light out entirely, as I struggled against the unknown force once more.

Then suddenly two blindingly bright, blazing red eyes pierced the darkness, much like a knife through warm butter, revealing all which dwelt in the darkness including Orias, whom no longer looked like the demon I had befriended all those years ago. No, this was some sort of monster. Its limbs contorted and twisted at unimaginable angles, sharp yellow blood stained teeth, two colossal bony wings protruding from its back in such a wait it made it almost painful to look at, glowing green drool dripped from its mouth and made a sizzling sound as it quickly at through the ground, and long sharp pointed black claws that attached themselves to the creatures long spindly fingers.

Orias didn't say a word, but instead let out a low growl as he took several steps toward Sebastian and summoned a before making an attempt on the opposing demon's life. But, unfortunately, he effortlessly dodged the attack and pinned Orias to the wall and stabbed him in the stomach. Orias didn't lose his composure and kicked Sebastian in the stomach sending him crashing in the the wall across from them sending chunks of rock flying and dust to stir, blocking our vision. Though only moments later did Sebastian's figure appear in the dust and rubble, headed our way and fast.

Orias was kneeling on the ground clutching his wound which was bleeding profusely, and he didn't notice Sebastian quickly advancing toward him. 'Shouldn't he have healed by now?' I asked myself. Orias then directed his attention toward me, seemingly have heard my thoughts. "That blade is made out of a special material designed to kill demons, it temporarily enables them to use their healing abilities, thus killing them." Orias explained all the while staggering to his feel and glaring at Sebastian who was dangerously close. He adjusted his grip on his weapon and poised himself to strike down the apposing demon. However, before he could react Sebastian swiftly grabbed him by his neck and hoisted him into the air before slamming him against the wall.

"Now watch carefully my kitten, and I'll show you what happens to people who try to steal you from me." Sebastian said with a sadistic grin. He then raised the hand that held Orias' first weapon before quickly bringing the blade down upon Orias' person and landing the blade in his heart. Orias let out one choked cry as he coughed up blood, his movements becoming sluggish until he finally stopped moving all together.

Sebastian released him and let him crumple to the ground before facing me a grin crawling onto his blood stained features. "Now my love, we can be together without any interruptions." He said in a tone which was laced with insanity. I struggled more and more against the force the held me to the wall and diverted my gaze from Sebastian and to Orias who lay on the ground, still as a statue. "Orias! Wake up! You can't die on me now! You can't leave me! PLEASE!" I screamed out, my please echoing throughout the room. "It's seems you need to be muzzled my love." Sebastian said, returning to his human form. "Might you have more amusements in store for me?" Sebastian began with grin that made my heart drop to my stomach. "Did you really think that pathetic excuse of a demon would be able do do anything against me?" He finished kneeling down and grabbing my chin, forcing our eyes to meet.

With all the strength I could muster at the time I let my demon side consume me almost completely and formed a portal underneath me. I fell into the portal and quickly closed it, but not fast enough. Sebastian had gotten through and was now falling with me, closing the distance between us at and alarming rate. I quickly changed my position to make me more aerodynamic and sped faster toward the ground below. Hopefully this time I had rewound time enough to make it to the normal Sebastian and Ciel, and wouldn't end up stuck in an endless hell of dealing with a Sebastian turned yandere. Key word 'hopefully'.

Just before I collided face first with the ground a force slowed my fall and I came to a stop, my face inches from the gravel road, the force then released me and I face planted into the rocky ground. Though I didn't dawdle, for I did not have time to lose, and quickly got up and ran in a random direction, I didn't care just somewhere away from where ever Seb-ass-tian was. I heard swift footsteps behind me and quickly picked up pace, no longer at a human speed but rather a demonic one. I quickly noticed the change in scenery and took in the around me.

''You can't run forever my love.~" Sebastian's voice echoed throughout the tunnel. "You wanna bet." I panted out picking up my pace even more. Soon enough I saw the tunnel's end and ran even faster, my lungs heaving in air despite the agonizing burning that quickly followed. At the speed I was going I was out of the tunnel in mere seconds and I was blinded by the sun's rays causing me to run face first into a tree. I decided to just let myself fall to the ground and take a breather despite knowing full well this might get me killed, but I didn't care, I needed a break.

Though surprisingly when I came to my senses I didn't hear, smell, or sense any sign of Sebastian's presence. "Thank my lord and savior down below." I said with a smile as I lay staring up at the leaves of the trees for a moment before I felt a warm fluid gliding down the side of my head and from my nose. I quickly put a hand to my head and then pulled it back to see fresh red blood covering my fingers, I smiled before licking the sweet red substance from my fingers and looking out at the scene before me. In the distance (100 yards or so) I saw a woman sitting in the lawn in front of a rather large doing god knows what, not seeming to notice me.

I quickly stood up and brushed the leaves, grass, and dirt from my clothes and realized I was still in my nightwear, causing my face to flush a deep red as I whisper-yelled a few colorful words that would put even a sailor to shame. 

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