Chapter 4

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[A/n: Sorry for grammatical errors.]

I look up and stare at the woman that sat in front of the manor for a moment before taking a step forward only to feel a sharp pain in my foot as I let out a squeak and fall face first into the soft grass. I sit up and spit out grass that had found its way into my mouth and looked down at my ankle. I noticed that a bone was jutting out of my foot as blood slowly seeped from the wound. "Oh for fuck sake. You have to be kidding me." I said under my breath. I decided to grab a branch that had fallen near me and use it as a cane and started hobbling my way over to the lady who was doing Satan knows what. once I was 5 feet away from her she seemed to notice my presence and looked up at me. I opened my mouth to speak but stopped when I noticed more details about the woman that I was able to see from a distance. Her eyes had been dug out of their sockets, leaving black pits in their place. Her mouth had no teeth and a frown was carved into her face as a black fluid dripped from her lips, down her chin and down to her blood stained dress. Her red hair coated in dirt and blood grew in patches, parts of her scalp torn away. Her grey dress with white lace torn and tattered.

I stumble back away from the woman as she lets out a snarl and starts crawling toward me, clawing at my ankles. I quickly go around her and start hobbling as fast as I can to the manor. Once I make it to the front door I quickly slip inside and lock the door behind me before running to the nearest phone and dialing Ciel's number and glancing at the door which I had just come through as the woman scratched at the door letting out inhuman growls. "It seems as though this clusterfuck has rolled down hill faster than expected." I said. After the third ring someone picked up the line. It was Sebastian. I quickly pushed aside my paranoia and quickly told Sebastian what I could of the situation, before he hung up the phone thinking it was a prank, despite the fact that I had told him that it was in fact me.....

"Silly little kitten, you should know by now that you can't escape me.~" A sickly sweet voice said from behind me, making me jump out of my skin. By now my demon abilities have already healed my wounded leg so I quickly ran back to the front door, but just as my hand made contact with the handle a white light flashed in my vision, blinding me. Though as soon as the light came it disappeared and I found myself at the treeline around the house, facing the front door of the manor, the ghoul of a woman still clawing at the door as it was violently thrown open revealing Sebastian searching the area for my presence.

I took this moment to run further into the forest and just imagining the safety of the police station as I ran for my life through the forest of over sized trees, whose leaves blocked most of the light. "Why does this have to happen now? I mean seriously why does it have to happen at my weakest moment!" I said in aggravation as I ran through the trees. Suddenly a white flash came over my vision once more and I found myself in front of a small shop that seemed to be selling and repairing shoes. I quickly ran inside and walked up to an unoccupied employee of the store "Sir can you please help me there's a demon chasing me he wants to hurt me please help." I say not realizing what I just said. The man looked at me like I was stupid before placing a fake look of concern on his face "Listen, why don't you come on out back and I'll get help." He said slowly in a cautious manner, grabbing my arm and dragging me to a room filled with boxes of primus knows what and unfinished shoes before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him and locking it.


The man had left about twenty minutes ago so I decided to take a short nap to try to take my mind off of my troubling thoughts that occupied my mind. I laid down on the dusty, concrete floor and let myself drift into a much needed rest.

Though not long after I had drifted into a dreamless sleep I was torn from my peaceful state by three full grown men grabbing me by my arms and legs, dragging me out of the shop and into a black carriage where they held me down, blindfolded me and cuffed me. A cloth was placed over my mouth causing a burning sensation to travel through my lungs as I inhaled. I quickly bit the hand holding the rag to my face through the rough material before blindly kicking and nailing one of them. The person holding the rag fell backwards with a thump followed by a groan of pain. "Okay princess, looks like you wanna do this the hard way." A gruff voice said. I quickly felt a large hand pinning my to the wall of the carriage, holding me by my neck. I brought my cuffed hands to his wrist and dug my long, sharp nails into his flesh until I felt a warm liquid flow out of his arm and onto my hands. His hand quickly pulled away from my neck, but I still kept my nails dug into his soft flesh. "Ow, you bitch! Let go of me!" He yelled. I quickly let go of his arm and yanked the blindfold off of my head before scrambling to the carriage door and stumbling out into the street.

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