Chapter 5

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        I redirected my gaze to the creature which had lunged at me first and was still weighing down on me, preventing any chance of getting up. The creature growled before raising a clawed had, ready to strike. Before it had time to move any further I used the last of my demonic energy by breaking my straight jacket and jumped on the thing pinning it to the ground and punching it full force in the face. Each time my fist made contact with the things face a crack and a squish would sound. After a bit the thing stopped moving, I stood up breathing heavily and looked around prepared to fight the other creatures but I was only met with the horrified, scared, disgusted, and angered faces of those who had taken me to the room in the first place and the 'Doctor'.

I looked back down where I had left the creature only to be met with the mutilated corpse of one of the nurses as I cursed under my breath. I looked back up at the nurses as the two remaining ones charged at me while the lady who came with the men ran out of the room yelling something incoherent. I was too tired to fight the two who were keeping me on the ground having just expended a lot of energy on my attack. Which led me to wonder why the others didn't stop me when I started attacking but I was too tired to question logic and passed out.


When I woke up I was in a room similar to the one I first woke up in but there were no windows this time and there was a musty scent similar to what you might find in your basement, and in this room there was absolutely no noise. "God fucking damn it! Let me out!" I scream at the top of my lungs before banging my head as hard as I could against the padded walls of my confinement.

~~~Ciel Phantomhive P.O.V.~~~

"Sebastian." I call out boredly as I stare down at the letter I had just received from the queen. "Yes, young lord?" I heard Sebastian say as he stood beside my desk looking down at me with his piercing ruby red eyes. "We're going to the old Bethlem Royal Hospital at 9:30 sharp tomorrow." I state as I reread the text on the paper again. "As you wish." Sebastian relied before walking over to the set of double doors that sat opposite of my desk and leaving back to his duties in the house.

"Why would the queen want us to check out a place filled to the brim with loons? It's mad." I mumbled as I finished the letter for the final time and setting it down on my desk in front of me before taking a sip of my Earl Grey tea. I began to get lost in my thoughts about that dimension we went to all those years ago with [Y/n]. I had slowly begun to realize that slowly, bit by bit, out world was steadily changing into something more like what I had saw in her dimension. I let out a chuckle at the thought, soon our world would become that mess, women running around in trousers and showing their bare legs like the women at the white chapel, large metal birds in the sky, the cities and even small towns louder than a party filled with drunkards. To any normal person this idea was outrageous but to me it was more like a terrible Egyptian prophecy that you could only watch become reality. It was a miracle of sorts that we met [Y/n] rather than one of the more...modernized people from her time. Even though it's been four years since we've last seen her, it still seems empty here without her. Even Sebastian seems a bit off as well as the other servants. It's still kind of hard to imagine that she hasn't been born in this time yet when we've seen her up and about already in this time.

I let out a small sigh as I came out of my thoughts and back to reality before picking up another document on my desk and continuing my work for the day. "How boring." I grumble, taking another sip of tea from the cup next to me. "Even though she was annoying she at least brought some life into this place..." I trail off. Even though my eyes were moving along with the words they weren't really reading them. My mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of [Y/n], she felt similar to an older sister, even though I've never had one. I shook the thoughts free from my brain as I redirected my eyes to the letter in front of me and picking up where I left off on the paper.

~~~Time Skip & [Y/n] P.O.V.~~~

"Hey, get up you vazey ratbag!" A deep, gruff voice hollered. I opened my eyes, not having to wait for my eyes to adjust due to the dim lighting of the room unlike the harsh white light that poured out from the ceiling light from my last room. "Get up you quisby!" I heard the man yell again. I let out a groan as I glared up at him, in annoyance. "Shizuka ni shiro yo." I muttered angerly in Japanese. I had a habit of replying to things in Japanese or Korean when I first woke up ever since I had learned the phrases I would normally say, which most people found strange but I had come to accept as normal after a couple of weeks. When my vision was no longer blurry with sleep I could clearly see the man in front of me, his build wasn't slim but it wasn't round either. He had some muscle to him and his jaw was sharp, he had piercing, icy blue eyes and a crooked nose that had probably been broken more than once, he wasn't particularly unattractive, but he wasn't extremely good looking either. Over all he was just average looked, except for his eyes. His bright piercing blue eyes that bore into the souls of even the soulless.

"Are you deaf? I said get up!" He shouted again. "Yarou." I grumbled as I stood up and glared at him. If looks could kill the power of my glare would have incinerated him as though he were on the surface of the sun. The man disregarded my glare and walked over to me and grabbed the collar of my straight jacket before dragging out the door and into the hallway. Despite my urge to bite him I couldn't due to the muzzle which had been placed over my mouth and nose. He held a firm grip on my straight jacket with one hand while he fumbled with the keys to my room with his other hand before locking the door.

He had started to attempt to pull me down the hallway but I stood my ground, not budging an inch. I decided that I'm going to follow the theme of speaking in Japanese today and make this guys life a living hell when it comes to understanding me. "Watashitachi wa doko ni iku no?3" I said in a bored tone, not bothering if I was speaking in an impolite way. He didn't say anything, he only raised an eyebrow before his expression returned to his bored one and he let out a sigh. "I know what you're saying you dalcop, and also your pronunciation is choppy and slow. And we're going to the visiting room, we're having company. Now if you're done we'll be going." He said in a bored tone. I was slightly surprised that he knew Japanese and could even tell how terrible my pronunciation was when he spoke English perfectly, British accent and all. I didn't stand there for too long and eventually followed him as he lead me through the halls.

Eventually we came to an area of the 'hospital' that was filled with other patients of this asylum. The man who had led me here dragged me by my muzzle over to a chair in the corner of the room closest to the doors of the room. If it weren't for the guards standing by the open doors I would have bolted out them and ran for freedom. I let out a sigh as I looked around the room at the patients around me, and that's when I came to realize that Juuzou was sitting next to me in his own chair. "Nice to meet you again buddy." I said as his piercing light red orbs bore into mine. The fake smile that was plastered on my face was greeted with his own twisted smile of insanity. "Oh, it's you! What happened, I didn't see you after you left, you were gone for so long!" He said in a happy tone, colored with different tones of curiosity.

Just as I was about to reply my attention was torn from Juuzou when the large double doors opened and people of all ages and genders, albeit the women were accompanied by other men, but there were still there. I started zoning into the conversations they were having, trying to get a grasp on what was happening, but my blood ran cold when I smell the essence of a soul I hadn't encountered in a very long time. The soul of Ciel Phantomhive. My eyes darted around the crowd of people in search for the blue haired earl which was almost always accompanied by his loyal butler, Sebastian Michaelis.

[A/n]: I know I've been gone for a while, I promise I will get back to writing this story. Well thanks for reading, hope you don't mind all the errors, sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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