Why me?

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Harry's P.O.V:

"Of course Teddy's going to go to muggle school," Hermione argues with Ron. Another pointless fight between the couple all because Ron made the mistake of suggesting that Hermione should home school the kid herself.

"He's a wizard and part werewolf, he would never fit in." Ron gestures to the couple of month old child that's to busy sleeping to care that my best friends are debating a decision that doesn't need to be made for a few years. "I was home schooled and I turned out great."

"I've yet to see any evidence of that," Hermione scoffs.

Ron's face glows red. "Well, well," he stutters.

"And at a muggle school he'll have a chance to make friends with kids that won't judge him for being part werewolf, unlike the scrutiny he'll face in the wizardry world." Hermione crosses her arms over her chest and leans back in her chair.

"You can't know that for sure. Kids can be mean, right Harry?"Ron fires back, finally getting his thoughts together. "

"Uh," I hesitate, trying to figure out how I went from being a bystander to a participant in this argument, or how this fight started in the first place.

"Regular schooling is important so that Teddy can know more about the muggle society. Besides, it isn't that bad, tell him Harry.

"Well," I start, remembering all the times Dudley or another kid from my class bullied me for next to no reason at all.

"I can't believe you're taking his side!" Hermione doesn't even let me say anything.

I try to calm her down so that I can explain. "You have to understand Hermione, my cousin made my life a living hell, that included my school experience."

"See, Harry agrees. Sending Teddy to muggle school would make him miserable," Ron proclaims, confident in his victory.

"Wasn't there anything you liked about school, a teacher, a subject, maybe a friend? You had to at least of had a friend," Hermione urges, unwilling to let Ron win so easily.

I shake my head at her questions. "The closest thing I had to a friend was this weirdly sunny American kid when I was ten, and he was friendly to everyone; I don't think that counts. Besides, I never saw him after starting at Hogwarts. For all I know, he went back to the States." Hermione huffs, clearly disappointed with her defeat.

Meanwhile, across the Atlantic

Will's P.O.V:

"Will," A voice, probably belonging to one of my siblings, tries to get my attention as I bury my face deeper into my pillow. "Come on, I know you're awake."

With a sigh, I roll over so that I'm facing whoever interrupted my first full nights sleep in a week. "What." I hardly open my eyes wide enough to see Kayla standing over me.

"You need to get up," Sure, it's easy for her to say. She didn't work night shift in the infirmary the night before and the night before that.

"Why," I moan. "Is the camp on fire?

"Not at the moment,"

"Are we being attacked?"


"Is someone dying?"

"Everyone's dying, but no one at camp is in immediate danger of visiting the Underworld if that's what you mean."

Instead of commenting on her slightly morbid response, I turn away from her, determined to fall back asleep. "Well, if it isn't an emergency, I'm not getting up." I don't hear any more from my sister, so I assumed she left me alone. It isn't until she grabs the blanket I'm currently tangled up in and yanks, that I realize she never left in the first place. I let out a squeak as my sheets fall into a heap on the floor, taking me with them. "Was that necessary?"

"Depends," She smiles slightly. "Is a pale, Italian, Son of Hades waiting outside considered an emergency?"

Suddenly I feel awake. I separate myself from my bedding, then change into the first outfit I can find before hurrying to brush my teeth. The entire process should have taken about ten minutes, but I'm out the door in half the time.

"Morning Nico," I greet.

He glances up from messing with his skull ring as he leans against the cabin's porch railing. "Oh, hey," he responds still half asleep.

"Did you sleep well, any nightmares?" I ask, taking note of the shadows under his eyes. They're lighter than they were right after the war, but darker than they were yesterday. He turns his attention back to his ring and just sorta shrugs. That would be a yes.

"What about you? Austin mentioned you've been taking the night shift." Nico deflects my question by reflecting it back at me.

I make a mental note to have a discussion with Austin later, but for now I try not to focus on Nico's reluctance to open up and answer. "I'm great. I have the whole day off, so there's plenty of time to catch up on my sleep."

He nods, agreeing. "So, breakfast?" he suggests after a beat of silence.

"Sure, just let me tell Kayla so that she knows where I am if there's an emergency."

"This is why I'm glad my dad didn't create a horde of sibling," Neeks mumbles as I'm about to open the cabin door.

"What was that?" I pretend that I didn't hear him.


"That's what I thought."

I swing the door open, content that Nico won't run off. Taking a step through the door way, I realize that I'm no longer in the Apollo cabin.

"I was wondering when you would come," a woman with a silver dress and billowing black robes says.

"And where exactly am I?" I ask. where a row of bunks should be there is a row of doors. Some are so small they might have come from Wonderland. The other side of the room is fashioned in the same way, but straight ahead of me are three stone arches. To top it all off, a thick fog covers the wood floor.

"My domain of course. It took forever to convince Apollo to let me borrow his door, or else I would have come sooner," the woman rambles.

"Right, of course, but who are you?"

She stares at me unamused slightly longer than necessary before sighing. "Hecate, I thought Lou Ellen would have at least told you about me."

"My Lady." I quickly bend into a small bow.

"It's to late, we might as well get onto business."

"I'm sorry, what business?"

"My, don't you like asking questions?" She smirks. "I have a quest for you." She pauses to let her smirk stretch into a smile. "We have a lot to discuss."

A/N: Hi, first off, thanks for reading this. Please comment if you see any grammar mistakes; I appreciate constructive criticism.

Next, if you didn't notice, this is going to be Will Solace and Nico diAngelo going to Hogwarts. It's going to be set during an 8th year because I honestly don't remember the Harry Potter books well enough to keep the plot canon. Though I want Nico to have experience with the wizarding world. Below I have different ways that can happen. I'm fine with incorporating multiple choices in the story, but I want your opinion. Please comment which one or ones you want me to use in the story.

1. Met wizard ghosts in the Underworld and learned from them.

2. Faulty shadow travel stranded Nico in the wizarding world before and learned about it that way.

3. Nico's mom was a witch, either from a famous pure blood family or not.

4. Used to know Tom Riddle (I'll have to see how the timeline matches up)

5. Knew the marauders (again, I need to see how Nico's timeline would make this work)

And I think that's it. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or settings so please don't sue me.

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