(Not) a Fan of Lavender

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If you ask one of my patients, they'll tell you I'm the most patient person alive. I can remain cool and collected no matter how long it takes for a test to be run or for a bone to heal. However, if you ask any of my sibling, they'll say that I can't wait for anything to save mine, or someone else's life. I become a complete mess when I have to wait for news on a friend or in this case, sit in the equivalent of the principal's office, waiting for the Head Misteress speak. Though it's not entirely my fault. How in the world am I supposed to concentrate on my possible expulsion when there are a thousand different doodads spinning, flashing, and looking generally interesting all around the room. Not to mention the fact that the photos on the wall move and keep whispering very loudly about me to the portraits next to them. It's only inevitable that I tap my foot and play with my hands as I crane my neck to take everything in.

"Where you aware that it is against Hogwarts policy for students to sit at house tables other than their own?" she finally speaks. I thought I was going to die from silence.

"Yes." I hang my head hoping that she might be more lenient if she thinks's I feel guilty. I don't.

"And yet you still sat at the Slytherin table no less."

"Yes?" I don't know why it matters that it was the green table I sat at. 

She leans back in her ornate chair and smiles. "Mr. Solace," Oh no, here comes my punishment. "would you like some tea?"

"Excuse me?" 

"Normally I would offer you a biscuit, but seeing as you were just at the feast, I thought a calming tea would be better suited for this situation." 

"Okay," What is going on here? I thought I was in trouble. "I guess tea would be nice."

"Wonderful." she pulls out her wand and wordlessly gives it a swish. Tea cups and saucers are summoned along with a tea pot that pours itself. I don't think I'll ever get used to magic.

"Thank you." I accept the cup that landed in front of me on the desk. Before taking a sip though, I send a quick prayer to my father that it isn't poisoned or if it is that it doesn't kill me. Ms. Mcgonagall is watching me so I quickly take a drink so that I don't look suspicious. Good news, it isn't poisoned. Bad news, it's lavender. The smell is okay, it's relaxing, but I'm not a big fan of lavender tea. I don't take a second sip.

"I must confess, I am a little confused. Why did you choose to sit at the Slytherin table? Are you having trouble with the Hufflepuff house?" the teacher gets back to the original topic, thank Zeus.

"No, not at all. The Hufflepuffs are great!" That was louder than I meant it to be. "The other transfer student, Nico di Angelo, has a bad habit of not eating and since I'm his doctor I decided to sit with him to make sure he didn't skip the feast," I explain the best I can without going into detail about Nico's time in the jar or any of the other horrible events he's lived through.

"If a student has an eating problem then you should alert the school nurse."

"No!" Now I'm yelling. When did I get so loud? "I mean, Nico doesn't like people knowing about it and I have experience with his stubbornness. There's no reason to bother anyone else." Also, if a nurse gets involved then they might want to give him a check up and discover all his scars. I don't know how we would be able to explain those.

Mcgonagall purses her lips, obvious not liking the idea of letting a student handle things alone. "Very well, you can sit at the Slytherin table for lunch and breakfast, but I must insist that you stay at your own table for supper."

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