There's A Reaper After Their Souls

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There has to be at least a hundred ghosts, maybe more. They pour into the room through the walls, floor, ceiling, and door. The once empty room is now filled with spirits. I don't even know how they found this place. I swear Nico and I walked down the same hallway three times before discovering it. It must have something to do with the summoning spell Nico is chanting under his breath.

His eyes are closed and his fists are clenched in concentration. 

"Nico?" I ask concerned. 

The color of his skin is looking more and more like the spirits surrounding us by the moment. 

""Hey, Nico." I grab his shoulder to shake him slightly.

Almost immediately, his eyes fly open. He starts to stumble forward, but thankfully I have ahold of him enough to stop him from falling on his face. 

"Are you okay?" He obviously isn't, but it's nicer to ask than make assumptions, even if those assumptions are correct. 

He brushes me off. "Yeah, fine. I'm fine." He sways on his feet a little. I really want to reach out and grab ahold of him again, but refrain. "I haven't summoned that many in a while," he mumbles. 

Yeah, because the last time he did, he started to become one with the shadows. At least he isn't fading. Thank Apollo for that.

Slowly, the ghosts start realizing that the chant that pulled them here has stopped. They start whispering to each other, not noticing Nico or I yet. At least they don't until Nico unsheathes his sword. Then every dead eye turns to look at us. 

"Um, hi." I wave. I don't know what I'm doing. Is there some type of edicate I should follow when meeting a ghost for the first time?

Nico rolls his eyes. 

"Listen up," Nico raises his voice so it can be heard from every corner. Not that it takes a lot, every ghost stopped mid-sentence as soon as he started talking. "I'll make this quick and easy. No one outside of this room is to know who I am." He talks with his hands, waving his sword around. The front ghosts try to back up so that a careless swing doesn't impale them. "That includes the teachers as well as the students. No bowing or titles around others. However, just because I'm being lenient, that doesn't mean you can ignore me. If we're alone, I still expect you to remember who your king is."

I didn't know it's possible for beings without blood to go pale, but I swear a couple go two or three shades whiter than they were when they entered. 

"Okay. That's all. You're free to go," Nico dismisses, returning his sword back to it's sheathe. 

No one needs to be told twice. They begin to flee like there's a reaper after their soul. Oh, wait, I guess there is. 

Nico relaxes, leaning against me for support without seeming to notice. 

"Well, that was easy," I marvel. Honestly, I thought this whole thing was going to take all night. Maybe I'll actually be able to get some sleeping after all.

Beside me Nico shakes his head. "I'm not done yet."

That's what I get for hoping something will be easy. 

There are four ghosts left when Nico speaks up. "Hold on a minute."

They freeze, turning around slowly.

"Yes?" The young female ghost of the group asks sweetly. "How may we help you my lord?" She floats forward, bowing slightly.

Two male ghost flank her on either side, almost protective. The one has mysterious dark stains covering his transparent clothing while the other stands with his chin up, looking the part of a medieval lord. He even has one of those silly, frilly, Shakespeare collars around his throat. Behind the trio is another male ghost. He reminds me of Santa Claus. Not because they have matching beards, the ghost doesn't have a beard at all. No, it's because I wouldn't be surprised if the have a similar interest in cookies and milk. None of them look happy to be close to the Ghost King.

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