A True di Angelo

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Adrian's right when he said we were early for breakfast. There's barely anyone else in the entire Great Hall, and by that I mean there's only one other person who beat us here. A certain Son of Hades which makes no sense what so ever since Nico is in no way a morning person. Yet here he is with a single slice of buttered bread on his plate, still ignoring anything of real substance. Seriously, when will he learn that he need to eat more than a bird?

"Woah, where are you going?" Adrian puts a hand on my shoulder to stop me when I start walking towards the Slytherin table. "Didn't you just get in trouble for sitting at the wrong table last night?"

Nico must hear us because he looks up from his uneaten bread to give us an odd look. "Nope, in fact I got permission to do just that as long as I sit with the Hufflepuffs during dinner." So ha.

 Adrian raises an eyebrow and cocks his head in disbelief. "Really?"

"Yes really, now come on. I'm sure no one will mind if you join us." Ignoring his protests, I grab the hand that had been on my shoulder to drag him to where Nico is. "Morning Neeks, you're up early." Too early. Did he get nightmares again? He has been doing a lot better the past couple of months. I hope he hasn't relapsed.

"Jet lag," he mumbles in explanation. " And don't call me Neeks."

"Whatever you say Death Breath." He scowls at me, making my smile grow bigger. "Nico meet Adrian, Adrian this is Nico di Angelo." I let go of Adrian's hand to gesture from one to the other.

"Sup." Adrian smiles and gives him a half wave which receives a simple nod in acknowledgment. "Friendly guy you've got there." Adrian whispers in my ear, making chills run down my spine.

"You'll get used to him." I think so. Nico can be a little stand offish. I just hope him and Adrian can move past that point. 

Adrian grimaces at the idea." I sure hope not." he comments as he fills his plate with bacon, sausage, and a strew of other breakfast foods.

"See Nico, that's a healthy amount of food," I point out. 

Nico of course rolls his eyes. "What? Enough to give yourself a heart attack? I'll pass." He takes a huge bite out of his toast to prove a point. He can be really annoying sometimes; I hope he chokes on it.

Nico visibly swallows and immediately starts coughing. I didn't really mean that! He grabs for a goblet to take a long sip and clears his throat. "Stupid food." Thank goodness he's okay.

"Don't blame the food, it's your fault for taking too big of a bite," Adrian scolds while calmly eating the rest of his food. 

Nico stiffens and I can already tell that the next thing out of his mouth isn't going to be anything nice. Before he can get that far I give him a little kick under the table and send him a look warning him that he better not start a fight. "Whatever." Nico takes another bite, this one much 'smaller than the first.

"Great Merlin, they've multiplied." Draco collapses onto the bench across from us.

I quickly hide my surprise at his sudden appearance with a friendly smile. "Nice to see you too Draco. Are you planning on eating this morning?"

"I was going to, but then I saw you and lost my appetite. "The blond scowls. Despite his words, Draco puts a few pieces of fruit on his plate. 

"Be nice or get lost," Nico warns, sending a weak glare in Draco's direction

"Yeah, no one asked you to sit here, " Adrian agrees. Maybe they're finally starting to get along. Probably not.

"The same can be said about you Randell, " Draco sneers at Adrain. "Why are you here anyways?" He bites back and into a banana.

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