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"I don't know what you're talking about," Nico blantantly denies Adrian's accusations. If I didn't know any better, I might just believe him.

"So it's true then," Draco challenges. Then again, I have been accused of being gullible in the past. 

Nico pushes off the wall and takes a step toward his fellow snake. "Didn't you hear me, or are you deaf as well as obnoxiously rude?

Draco leans away, sparing as glance towards me to see what I'm going to do. Sure, I might be able to call Nico off, and that's a strong maybe, but if I did then Nico would never learn to get along with his house mates. It doesn't take Draco long to realize that I'm not going to get involved if I can help it. 

He sets his jaw and takes a deep breathing through his nose. "The only thing I am is right. Anyone would jump at the chance to claim they can do something as rare as umbrakinesis. Yet you didn't." I'm surprised Draco isn't patting himself on the back with how proud he sounds for figuring out Nico's lying.

"That's because I'm not an idiot. If you haven't noticed, dark magic is illegal and extinct," Nico still denies it, but I'm sure he's realized it's pointless. You can't change someone's mind once they've decided on a belief. At least not without a lot of work and time. Something we don't have if the increasing number of students in the hall is anything to go by.  "The Oscuro family made sure of that," he mumbles, relaxing enough to know that he's given up on arguing. 

"So you knew that teacher?" Adrian asks. "And you told her you didn't? Are you insane?" At least someone here is thinking straight.

"Would it make you feel better if I said yes?" Nico smiles. I know I'm seeing things, but I swear his teeth look sharper, deadlier. Adrian wisely chooses to remain silent.

"Okay, break it up." I reach out and grab at Nico's hand so that I can forcefully pull him away if I need to. He tries to pull away, so I tighten my grip. "Come on, if we don't leave now we'll end up being late to our first class."

Adrian glares at Nico before nodding in agreement. "Lead the way." It only takes a second for him to realize his mistake. I don't think he really wants to get lost on the first day. "Oh, right."

"Idiots, the lot of you." Draco rolls his eyes. "We have Charms. It's this way." He give Adrien and I another pointed glare before marching off down the hall, giving us no real choice but to follow.

I really try to pay attention so that I can know where to go without having the equivalent of a tour guide. It doesn't work. I finally got used to the twist and turn of the hallways. Now, I can't help but get distracted by the movement of the paintings or the suits of armor that I swear are watching me. I don't know how anyone could ever get so used to this much magic haphazardly mashed together in one place.  If all that wasn't bad enough, I still haven't let go of Nico's hand. Honestly, that's more effective at distracting me than anything else I've seen today. He isn't even trying to pull away anymore. 

We reach the charms class room in no time, but I still have no idea how we ended up here. And all the seats are mostly full. Just great. "Will, over here," Harry calls. He points to the open seat at the table with him and Ron with Hermione and Neville one table over.

"Uh," I hesitate. There's only one open seat there so I won't be able to sit with Nico or Adrian. ON the other hand, it's been forever since I've seen Harry and he probably will know some things that will help up with this quest.

Nico pulls away. "You can sit with them, it's not like I need you to babysit me." He goes and sits in an open seat in the back and Draco takes the chair right next to him. Adrian waves to a Hufflepuff friend and heads towards them. 

I guess I have no reason to not sit with Harry and his friends, so why do I feel so disappointed? "Good morning Harry, Ron," I greet as I sit down.

"Hello Will."

"Oi mate, what were you doing hanging out with Malfoy?" Ron demands, making me think that manners must be a completely foreign concept to wizards.

"Who?" I don't know any Malfoys.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," Ron repeats. "You sat with him and that other snake last night and then again this morning."

What is this, Mean Girls? Why does it matter who I sit with? "You mean Nico? You met him in the carriages. You didn't seem to have a problem with him then."

"That was before I knew he was a Slytherin." 

I can't believe this. "How does that change anything?"

Ron tilts his head to the side. "That's the house for Death Eaters." He might as well have added 'isn't it obvious' with how confident he is. "Just ask Harry, he fought the lot of them."

"You can't seriously believe that, right Harry?"

Harry shrugs, not looking at me. "Ron's right, a lot of bad wizards, dark wizards, were in Slytherin."

I realize that I haven't known Harry for years and that he's not a scrawny, malnourished eleven year old anymore, but I never thought he would become housesit or whatever you call this. What makes it worse, both Harry and Ron sound so sure that they're right. I don't even know what to say. Nico would be rolling his eyes in annoyance or getting into augment until they saw reason, but sadly, Nico is sitting too far away to help. All I can do is shake my head in disappointment.

"Trust me mate, nothing good comes out of Slytherin."

Maybe more would be said, but Hermione shushes us from the next table as the teacher enters the room and tells everyone to pull out their wands

A/N: I updated, yes, finally! Sorry that this chapter probably seem a little on the shorter side. I know what I want to happen in this story but I'm still trying to figure out the exact plot. Despite my inconsistent updating and my overall disorganization, you're still reading this so thank you. Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting. I love writing this and I'm happy that people seem to be enjoying it as well. I don't want to take another break from writing, but if I don't update for a while it's probably because I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life. Thank you for being patient with me and have a great life.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I don't own Percy Jackson. I don't own anything.

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