1. News

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'Breaking news'

"Gwen we may have a real big problem..." David bursted through the councilors cabin and forced Gwen to set her trashy magazine down.
"What is it this time, David?" David handed her the newspaper that he had been reading over and over again all morning. As her eyes scaled what was presented, Gwen's eyes widened.
'Insane cultist escapes from hospital: Be careful'
"Holy shit!" Gwen shouted jumping up. David nervously tapped his foot.
"We can't let the campers get out of our sight with him on the loose." David sighed.
"Well no shit Sherlock but how the hell-" David cut Gwen off with a sigh.
He had been super stressed lately, and this was not making anything better.
"I'm going to be patrolling the outskirts of the camp all day. Can you handle the kids?" David asked, getting right down to business.
"Yeah I'll be fine." Gwen said hesitantly. "Don't get yourself killed. And I'll keep the kids distracted Incase things get out of hand."
David forced a smile. "Thanks, Gwen. I don't know what I'd do without you." He walked out of the cabin and into the forest.
"And don't hold back!" She yelled out after him.


Gwen headed towards the mess hall where all the campers were eating. "Alright you little fucks I'm in charge of a you all today while David is taking care of some things." She paused as Max interrupted her. "What kind of stuff does David have to take care of that forces you to be in charge?"
Gwen just sighed. "You guys get a free day today. No going into the forest-
As if On cue, it started to sprinkle outside, followed by thunder. "Well, I guess you have to stay inside anyways."

The campers went back to eating their food with little chatter in between.


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