Greetings and Apologizes

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It's 8:00 AM and Kevin and Caleb are almost at training till Kevin's phone started ringing. Hello Kevin said wondering who was on the phone. KEVIN!!!! Mother shouted through the phone. Oh dear mother I'm so sorry we're on our way it's just were stuck in traffic Kevin said bluffing. Oh please stop lying but that's not the point you won't believe what I found mother said happily. What did you find Kevin said wondering what she was talking about. I found your grandfather and some of his friends that are paranormals in the cave mother again shouted through the phone. OMG REALLY?!?!?!!!! THIS IS INSANE Kevin started shouting as well. Caleb is just sitting on a bench wondering what their talking about . Hey! Sorry to interrupt your family moment their I was just wondering if you can shut the hell up people are starting to look at us weirdly Caleb said angrily. You have to come here right now forget the bus teleport mother said excitedly. Mother did you forget about if an untrained paranormal teleports his body can be taken over by gravity. Uh excuse me I don't full agree with gravity taking my body here Caleb interrupted. Shh Caleb, mother are you sure about this Kevin said curiously. Yes mind teleport him and you teleport normally I thought you this form twice so I'm sure you can do it mother said. Okay I'll give it a try, Kevin hanged up the phone and started walking towards a alleyway. Inhale exhale than Kevin pushed his hand against Caleb. What are we doing, than a scream came out of Caleb. Sonic way the next thing they see their at the layer. You did it! Mother ran and gave Kevin a huge hug. I can't believe it! Tell me the story how you did it mother said curiously. No time show me grandfather Kevin said excitedly. Kevin promise me what ever happens everything well stay the same between us mother said sadly. Yeah what ever now where is he Kevin repeated. I'm sorry Kevin mother said with a tear on her face. ''MEN ATTACK'' the next this I knew was my mom wasn't my mom she was sided with the humans. This is the end of the line kid! Show us where the rest are a man I'm black. I wouldn't say the end of the line this game is about to get started Kevin said with a grin on his face. Come on Caleb let's show these guys what we can do Kevin said. What? But I'm untrained how will i fight Caleb said worried. Just do what I do Kevin said running. Than a paranormal different than others came one that can control elements. The next thing I knew Caleb was shot down I was to attracted to him and than the same happened to me. Yes I can say this is the end of the line. Lock them up the man in black said walking away. Three men came and grabbed Caleb and Kevin. They both blacked out. I can't I won't give in, i must FIGHT!!! Kevin shouted. Huh? The men said in fright. Kevin's eyes where white but he wasn't in control,as he told Caleb 'once you lose control you could be able to kill everyone around you. Caleb was asleep just lying their like a dead body but when Kevin saw he didn't know he was just asleep he thought he was dead. Then more anger was given. Kevin fell to the ground after killing 2 men. "Finally he's asleep take him to the truck, where going on a little road trip" the man in black said. "You started the fun without me? Okay well I bet it wasn't a real fight because their is no blood on anyone" Ashely said. The man in black turned back and looked at her. "Who are you?"The man said confused. "Oh we're are my manners I'm Ashely level 40 student in Paranormal Academy" She said smiling. "WE DIDN'T GET THEM ALL?!?! MEN ATTACK" the man said with anger. Ashely saw them coming and teleported behind them. "Talk about a polite entrance, it's been 6 months say hello maybe" Ashely said. "Yes where are my manners we can't hurt a 13 year old what type of men would we be then?" the man said. "Talk about perverts, you wouldn't be gentle men that's for sure" Ashely said looking at her nails. "Children.. So disobedient well we have to teach them" The man said. Ashely teleported to the man and punched him took his gun and used it as defense. "Not one move or you all die let me show you what I'm cable of" Ashely said smiling. She shot a man but stopes the bullet and turns it but no one saw, then she put the man asleep temporarily by moving the organs in his body. The men looked at her in shock and out their guns down. "We surrender please spar our lives!" All the men said. "Oh well I have to time to hold prisoners.. Give me my friends back well actually I don't know who they are thought BUT GIVE THEM BACK ANYWAYS OR YOUR CAPTAIN GETS IT" Ashely yelled. "Okay take your friends, now give us our captain. The men said. They pushed Caleb and Kevin towards Ashely. "Haha works every time I lied!" she said. Ashely made a power shield not any human can enter and teleported them all to her house and put the 2 prisoners in her cages and made Caleb and Kevin wake up. "What if they wake up and wonder who I am? What if they try and attack me I can't teleport they can get in after me. Caleb woke up and saw Ashely and the prisoner, then he figured that they were in a cage. "Your awake that's good I put you in a cage because I figured you'd attack me so I didn't put the power remove button for your cage, but one move of attack I'll remove our powers for temporary amount of time so tell me who are you?" Ashely told him. "What let me out of here you little freak! Or your gonna get it" Caleb said angrily. Ashely looked at him with a smirk. "You know if you do have powers teleport out and try and stop me even though I'm not gonna touch you" Ashely said with a smile. Caleb looked at her confused. "Who are you and what are you doing here more important what are we doing here?" Caleb said confused. "Question shall be answered but not now suit up we're leaving" Ashely said. She raised her hand pointing it at Caleb then she teleported him to her in a flash of light. "HEY! Where are we going you can't just take me like that!?" Caleb said. "You'll see soon enough" Ashely replied.


Hey well I wanted to make it longer and faster it wasn't a success because lately I'm busy and this story is gonna have a long pause so sorry about that to but probably every weekend I'll publish a chapter does that sound fair? Sounds fair to me though anyways I hope you enjoyed more chapters are coming soon. Well the other chapter has been harder to write because I'm adding more characters and back story's so yea ;3 it might come a little late. Yea I'm sorry the next chapter I suppose to be a flash back and stuff and I totally forgot about it so yea I'm sorry I'll get on it as soon as possible.

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