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Thomas POV
I was working with Audrey trying to find out what was happening with the flare when Vince came in.
"Hey Thomas, I know you're busy but our new batch of people have arrived and you still need to handle them."
"Yeah okay I'll go."
I left to find Brenda because she was my partner for work.
"Hey Thomas, ready for the newcomers."
We arrived at the dock and instructed the flood of people to wait on the beach. Then Frypan ran up to us.
"Hey Brenda, Minho needs you."
Brenda looked unsure. I spoke to her.
"I can handle the new people, go." I told her.
She left with Frypan and I instructed the people. Everything was normal until a man walked up to me and started speaking to me. But I didn't understand his language.
"Here let me talk to him," someone said.
A girl came up from behind me. I couldn't see her face but her voice was familiar. She started talking to the man in his language, then he walked away. The girl turned and walked back to her group of friends but I wasn't really paying attention to them because I was instructing people. I didn't even notice Audrey come up to me.
"Hey." She said.
"Oh, hey Audrey."
"So Thomas, I was wondering if yo- holy." She trailed off.
I turned to face her
"Holy what?"
But she wasn't looking at me. She was looking behind me. Then she spoke.
"Oh my god, OH MY GOD. TERESA?!" She yelled.
I immediately turned in the direction she was looking at.
Teresa turned to look at us. Then she gasped.
"Audrey, Thomas!"
Sorry it was short, I am just to lazy to write more so I will put everything in the next chapter. Bye.

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