Part 3

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I put Louis into bed and tuck him in tightly. He whimpers when I let him go and my heart aches for him, I want to so badly crawl in next to him and wrap him up in my arms. I settle for kissing him on the forehead. When I get back downstairs the boys are cleaning up dinner.

"Is he asleep?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, out to the world, the poor kid" I say as I grab some plates and help to stack the dishwasher.

"What do you think triggered it?" Liam asks.

"Andy" I say simply.

"Yeah, he definitely didn't want to talk to him that's for sure, that only makes me more convinced he is hiding something" Zayn says.

"Well, I'm going to call Andy" Liam says and he starts walking off.

"Liam, I don't know if that's such a good idea" I say.

"H, the kid just had a pretty bad panic attack and has refused food all day! I think it warrants a call at least to Andy. I think we need to have him over, let Louis see he isn't a threat and eventually he may trust one of us enough to talk. We can't sit back and do nothing, he is practically killing himself" Liam practically yells sounding frustrated and upset.

"'re right Li, yeah" I say back rubbing my hands over my face.

"I'm asking him over now, it's only 6:30pm he shouldn't be working" Liam says as he walks off to the other room to call Andy.

"Are you okay H?" Zayn asks.

I sigh.

"Can I tell you guys something?" I say as I sit on the bar stool at the kitchen and put my face in my hands.

"Always H, what's up?" Niall says.

"I never told you guys this but......but.....the reason I left Louis and didn't contact him was because.........well because" I start.

"You have feelings for him?" Zayn says "We know H, we've known for five years mate" Zayn laughs out.

"Yeah mate it's not hard to put that one together and the way you are with him now, it's really nice. We are used to you being big tough detective Harry, but with Louis you're completely you turn soft" Niall chuckles.

"Hey! I'm very manly thank you!!" I say back as I throw a stray piece of capsicum at him. He ducks out of the way cackling.

"It's nice H, it's nice to see you finally care about someone.....are you going to tell him though?" Zayn asks.

"I don't know Z...I don't even know what I feel, I wouldn't even know what to say....I think I need time"

Niall and Zayn smirk at me knowingly but agree with me. Liam comes back in the room and let's us know Andy is on his way.

20 mins later and Andy shows up at the door.

"Hey H, how's things" Andy says hugging me tight as I answer the door.

"Good, Anz, thanks for coming over" I say, leaning back smiling.

Andy is tall with brown hair, he is very attractive and quite muscly. He is such a down to earth lovely guy and i think there may be something going on with him and Niall.

"Of course H, always" he says as we walk Into the kitchen to meet the other boys.

After the greeting are out of the way, we make our way to the lounge room beers in hand, to have a chat. Niall sits conveniently next to Andy while Zayn and Liam sit on one side of the couch and I on the other.

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