Part 21

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When I reach the hospital I'm exhausted, I called the boys on my way and I'm met with Zayn, Liam and Niall in the waiting room.

"You look like shit H" Zayn says as he hugs me.

"Thanks mate, I feel like it too" I say back.

We pull apart and I reach for Niall, he hugs me back tightly.
"You need to eat and sleep mate" he tells me.

"I will, when I know Louis is okay" I tell them.

"Andy hasn't been out yet, they took Louis to the ER as soon as they arrived and we haven't heard any news" Liam says, he pulls me into his arms.

I collapse into him, needing the boys support right now.

"If we hadn't of been there Li..." I say worriedly as I think of what could of happened if we hadn't have gone to get Louis ourselves.

"Don't think about that H, you know Louis, you and Andy both trusted your instincts and in the end you were right, once again H. You are the reason he is still alive" Liam reassure me.

We walk over to the empty waiting room and sit down together on the couch provided. It's a tight squeeze but we all lean on each other. It's silent for a while, before I have to break it.

"I had to call Jaxson this morning" I tell the boys.

"How did he take the news?" Niall asks sadly.

"He lost it, was a complete mess. He loved Noah so much and I feel so guilty that we didn't do our job, that we didn't protect him enough" I tell the boys.

"We did everything we could H, you know we did. None of us could have predicted what happened" Zayn tells me rubbing my back.

"I just keep thinking, what if it had been Louis. I just get so upset and angry every time I think of it being him. I just can't loose him" I tell them, tears in my eyes.

"H, Louis is okay, he is going to be okay I know it. You can't think like that, it will destroy you" Niall tells me.

"I just want to wrap him up and not let him out of my sight again" I tell them, chuckling a little.

"And that's okay mate, it will take time H, before we are all comfortable with letting Louis out of our sights, but we will eventually let it happen" Liam says.

"Until then though, I say we do wrap him up in cotton wool and keep him next to one of us....I vote indefinitely" Zayn says seriously.

We all chuckle at him and he smiles.

"I'm serious" he defends.

"We know, that's why it's funny" Niall laughs.

I love these boys so much, just being with them has lifted my anxiety and stress levels.

About half an hour later my mum and Jay come racing into the waiting room.

"Harry, please is my son okay?" Jay asks me worriedly

I know she loves Louis and wants what's best for him but I'm still so angry at them both.

"I don't know, we haven't heard" I say coldly.

I see her face fall and my mum comforting Jay as we wait for Andy. We don't speak a single word to each other and when Andy comes out an hour later he looks wrecked.

"Guys" he says getting our attention.

We all stand up and gather around Andy.

"Is he okay Andy?" Jay asks worriedly.

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