Part 15

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three weeks later and we are halfway through the holidays, It takes a lot of restless nights and comfort before I begin to heal, I feel much better now though. Noah and I have been hanging around heaps together and Harry and the boys are okay with it because there are two undercover police officers with us both at all times. I haven't cut in a month and I feel amazing, the rubber band is helping me a lot and Harry is always there to help me talk about my feelings. My eating habits are better too, I've put on 2 of the 5kg I'm supposed to and I still feel okay. There has been no sign of stingers gang either and I'm starting to hope they just gave up.

It's Sunday morning and all the boys are home, I wake up to find the bed empty and the smell of pancakes in the air. I get up and put on one of Harry's long sleeve white shirts and my black boxers and walk tiredly Into he kitchen. I really want to go for a skate with Noah today and I'm hoping Harry will let me.

I see Harry and Zayn on the bar stools eating in the kitchen and Liam and Niall behind the counter talking to them. It looks serious but then again, they are always talking about work or something. Harry senses me enter the room and turns his head to smile at me, he opens his arms up for me. I wonder over and crawl up into his lap and sink into his warm embrace. He chuckles and kisses my head.

"Morning sleepy" he says stroking my hair.

"Morning" I say.

"What are you guys talking about? You all look too serious for a Sunday" I say.

Niall chuckles and gathers me a plate of food together.

"We found another body Lou, drowned in the river. Another one of Stingers old gang" Liam tells me.

"Oh?" I say, inside I'm freaking out but the gang haven't come near me again.

"Does that mean you are going into work?" I ask pouting.

"Liam and Zayn got home a few hours ago, so yeah, Niall and I have to go in" Harry says kissing my pout away.

"Hazzzzz, but I haven't seen you all week and the holidays are nearly over and I just want to snuggle" I whine.

The boys chuckle at me and Harry kisses me on the head and smiles.

"I know baby, I'll only be a few hours though okay" he tells me.

I sigh.

"Come on babes I'll come and snuggle with you" Zayn says.

He lifts me up out of Harry's lap, I squeak at the sudden movement. He puts me over his shoulder and carries me to the living room. He sets me down on the couch and then snuggles me down into his side. He puts a blanket over us and we get comfy. Zayn puts on a movie and Niall brings In my food. A plate with one pancake and strawberries on it.

I sigh. I sit up and put the plate on my lap.

"Don't feel hungry today?" Niall asks noticing my hesitation.

"Not really" I say.

"Just try and eat as much as you can k" Niall says, he leans in and kisses my head and walks out of the room.

All the boys over the last few weeks have been very affectionate with me and I can't help but love the attention. I never got it at home and it makes me feel loved.

Harry then walks in to say goodbye with lots of kisses and promises to call me. About a half hour later, half a pancake and two strawberries, Zayn and Liam are half asleep on the couch. I take this as my opportunity to pounce.

"Z?" I whisper, knowing he is so tired from his shift.

"Mmmm" he responds.

"Can I go to the skate park?" I ask hoping since he is half asleep, he will agree.

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