Part 14

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I come too a few hours later, it's nearly dark outside and I'm freezing cold. I gasp at the pain I'm in. I can hardly move. It's so hard to breathe as well. Tears stream down my face and I manage to move my head to gather my surroundings. I'm still in the alley way. I reach for my phone in my pocket and pull it out to call Harry, I'm probably in so much shit now. I try to turn my phone on but it's flat, fuck. The tears come then, I have no way of calling for help and if I spend the night in the alley, I'll be dead from the cold by morning. I panic, my body is so sore. Maybe if I make it to the grocery store I can use their phone and call Harry. It takes me ten minutes to even be able to sit up, a shooting pain goes through my chest and I whimper. I eventually manage to pull myself up on the brick wall and I am hit by a wave of dizziness. I grab the wall as my legs crumple, if I fall back down though I won't be able to get back up, my body is too broken. I compose myself as best as I can and walk slowly out of the alley. I reach the front of the store and of course it's closed. There is no one around and no cars in the carpark. I just want to break down and cry. I can't give up though. I know Harry will be worried sick, I'm probably in for another lecture, but I want Harry's comfort right now. I want his arms to wrap around me and tell me I'm going to be okay. I come to the realisation that I have to walk back to the apartment, I left my skateboard in the alley but I don't have the strength to go back and get it. I suck up the pain and I stumble my way back to the footpath in the direction of home. Every step is like there are 1000 knifes stabbing me, I have to stop and steady myself numerous times. There are no people around, obviously it's too cold to be out on the streets of London at dinner time. What should of taken 20 minutes to walk has taken me well over an hour I'm sure. I then see the front of the apartments up ahead and I could cry in relief. As I'm reaching the door, I'm overcome with an intense pain in my chest, it causes me to grab the lobby door for support and try to regulate my breathing. I hear a car to my right and manage to look up to see a cop car pull up on the curb and Lucus and Murdoch get out of the car. I've never been more happy to see them in my life,

"Louis?" Murdoch yells when he sees me, causing Lucus to look towards the door.

They both rush over to me and I fall, I can't stay up any longer.

"Shit" Lucus says as Murdoch catches me.

"I gotcha, it's okay I gotcha" Murdock reassures me as he holds me and picks me up bridal style.

I don't protest, I'm in too much pain.

"This is 215 requesting an ambulance to 2154 Midnight street London, male 17, requires immediate assistance" I hear Lucus saying into his radio.

"Let's get you inside kiddo" Murdoch says and he takes me Inside to the much needed warmth, my body starts shivering then.

"The ambulance is on its way, let's get you upstairs bud" Lucus says.

"Are you okay, do you remember what happened?" Murdoch asks me gently as we enter the lift.

I'm finding it hard to breath.

"It hurts, I can't.....I can't" I say struggling for breath.

"Shhhhh it's okay, just relax don't worry, you're safe now" Lucus reassures me.

The lift dings and we enter the foyer and Lucus opens the door to The boys apartment. Murdoch carries me in, It a complete buzz of activity and I can hear Harry yelling at someone.

"Harry" Lucus yells into the apartment.

I then see Harry racing towards the door.

"Louis, thank fuck" he yells.

He takes one look at me and I see his face pale.

"Found him by the front doors, he must have tried to walk" Murdoch tells Harry.

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