Untitled Part 11

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The next time I wake up I'm so comfortable, Louis is snuggled into my side and I bring him closer. I card my hand through his feathery hair and just stare at him for a while, watch him breathing and how his gorgeous face is so peaceful. There is a knock on my door and Andy peaks his head around the corner.

"Morning H" he whispers.

"Morning" I say back.

Louis doesn't even stir, he is out to the world. He needs the sleep,

"How's the patient?" Andy slightly smiles at me.

"Still warm but he is more relaxed now, has slept through the last six hours without stirring" I say.

Andy nods and walks into the room with his medical bag and sits on the end of the bed.

"So you two sorted things out last night?" He asks me.

"Yeah, we did" I smirk at Andy.

"I'm glad, I really think Louis will be okay H, I think you being there for him will help so much" Andy says truthfully.

"I hope so, I hope I can help him through this" I tell him.

"I do need to wake him and put the drip back in, he needs bed rest for the next week at least" Andy says.

"This isn't going to go down well I just know it" I say and chuckle slightly.

Andy laughs knowingly too.

"I know but I let it slide last night. I should actually be admitting him H. It's a bad infection" Andy tells me turning more serious.

I run my hands over my face.

"Should we then?" I ask. If putting Louis in the hospital is the right thing to do to get him better than I will authorise it.

"I don't want to push him, his cutting attempt will have to be noted and that will just lead to questions that I don't think he is ready for. Let's give it two days, if there is no change. Then we look at admitting him" Andy says.

"Okay, agreed" I say.

"Goodo, now let's wake the dragon" Andy smirks and I laugh.

I gently reach over and swipe my hand across Louis forehead.

"Louis, baby" I coax him.

He doesn't stir at all.

"Louis, we need you to wake up now kiddo" Andy says rubbing his arm.

Louis stirs and bury's his head deeper into my neck.

"I'm tired" he says so cutely.

"We know bud, we just want a small chat and then you can go back to sleep okay" Andy tells him.

Louis blinks his eyes open and yawns adorably. We both sit up in the bed and I kiss Louis forehead.

"Good morning sleepyhead" I say,

"Morning" Louis's says around a yawn.

"So Louis, bed rest one week. With the drip for antibiotics. No arguments or I'll admit you got it" Andy says sternly but with a smile on his face.

Louis sighs and nods.

"I'm just going to go make some breakfast, I'll be back" I say as I kiss Louis and leave the room.

I secretly want Louis and Andy to have a chat together. I'm planning to make Louis a big breakfast too.


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