People always tell me
I should work hard for my future
That I should never give up
That I should better myself
All I do is shrug the words off
As if they are nothing
But they hit me hard
Because I gave up
A long time ago
But I don't care
And I can never tell them that
They look at me with hope
But I don't care
Because I don't want a future
I just want to be gone
Dead - 6 feet underground
I just want to leave
Never come back
I want to escape from the words
That are always there
In my mind
The words that are driving me to the edge
The words that kill me
Ever so slowly
The words that are drowning me in sadness
I just want to end it
These thoughts
These words
Broke me down
My own mind and body trying to kill me
They broke me down
Into the nothingness
I am todayOctober. 30. 2018