.M E N D A C I U M.

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Your nightmares are my dreams
My dreams are your nightmares
Your thoughts bring life
My thoughts bring death
Your eyes hold the sun
My eyes hold the clouds
Your eyes shine
My eyes rain
Your lips form smiles
My lips form frowns
Your scars are accidents
My scars are not accidents
Your pain is not wanted
My pain is wanted
Your words are believed
My words are not believed
Your every moment is cherished
My every moment is dreaded
Your nights are peaceful
My nights are restless
Your smiles are truths
My smiles are lies
Your screams are from happiness
My screams are from agony
You are love
I am hate
You swing from monkey bars
I swing from a noose

Written: April. 8. 2017
Revised: February. 1. 2018

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