His New Secret

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After Nazumi's short encounter with Mitsuki and Masaru, Katsuki lead her to his room and forced her to lay down with him. His mind only steering into the direction of his worry for her rest.

A few long minutes pass by peacefully before Nazumi gathers the courage to speak out to her boyfriend.

"You... you won't be leaving now, will you?" She couldn't help but feel fear of what was to come. Now that Nazumi was in control of her body, calmly sitting in Katsuki's arms comfortably, she felt the lingering feeling of discomfort from what he had witnessed with her.

Instead of his usual scowl on his face, his lips turn up a bit as he lets out a breathy chuckle, "Even if I wanted to leave you, I wouldn't be able to fucking do it." He readjusts his arms to that she was laying comfortably on his chest as he looks through his social media. "Especially now."

Her eyelids felt heavy and she couldn't bare to keep them open any longer.

"You have no idea... how truly happy I am to be called yours." She whispers almost inaudibly. He perks up at her gentle words, setting his phone down and attempting to move her body so that he could glance at her face.

To his dismay, though, her body was limp due to her exhaustion. He clicks his tongue, "Dammit, what a fuckin' way to ruin the moment, shitty girl."

Even though his face shows his normal scowling expression, underneath his mask was nothing but pure relief and happiness. The darkness of his room made it hard for him to see her facial features. But with the small amount of light his phone screen would give off, he was faintly able to point out every perfection on her beautiful face.

He relaxes, finally allowing his tense muscles to relax and his body continuing to mold against hers. His face becoming relieved and showing nothing but a faint smirk. Now that he was alone, mostly alone, he could finally let his guard down. He could finally admire her without he constant worry of someone doing the same.

His burning crimson orbs stare at every little detail in Nazumi as his fingers gently trace her cheeks down to her neck, then to her shoulders. Her skin was soft and porcelain, that of a glass doll's. Though, the burn scars that faintly modified her face had a bit of a rough texture, like soft leather.

Her eyelids flickered from the movement of her eyes, showing Katsuki just how much of a deep sleep she was in. Her breathing was soft and barely audible to him, and he could feel her light heartbeat in her chest because of how smashed together they were. He didn't mind it though— not one bit.

The pink flesh that really caught his attention only made him flustered, her lips seemingly perfect for the purpose of his own lips to travel on. Oh how much he wanted to just take her now, right at this moment. But even with his burning desires, he calms down just but running his hand through her silky, silver hair.

"God, you're so fucking perfect." He whispers to her sleeping consciousness.

Being the heavy sleeper she is, he was more than sure she didn't hear him, but that didn't stop him from telling her sweet things.

"The way your eyes shine when you get excited or curious about something, when you get that fucking attitude that I find hella hot, when you tease the fuck out of me, hell— even when you cry... I can't fucking help it." He was beginning to feel breathless, his chest feeling tight as he released his lent up thoughts.

"I... I just can't fucking help but to love everything about you." It wasn't long when he didn't even realize the gentle words spilling from his mouth.

He tries to close his mouth but it only makes his words come out louder.

"I can't fucking help but fall in love with you."

Even more relief floods through his body and mind as the last word slips from his mouth, the satisfaction of confessing something he didn't even realize he was hiding only made him feel like he accomplished something huge.

She sucks in a shaken breath before releasing it slowly. His eyes dart to hers, even if they were hidden because of the darkness of the night, he still found the small tears falling down her pale cheeks.

His eyes slightly widen before he sighs while closing them, picking his phone up once again as he pushes his body up a bit more, one of his arms still remaining around her waist securely.

"Fucking hell, you'll be hearing from me tomorrow, shitty Nazumi." He mutters out loud as he clicks on his social media once again. Pictures of Eijiro Kirishima flooded into his sight, the boy spamming his own account of pictures of himself doing nothing in particular.

Annoying ass Weird Hair.

Bitterly grinding his teeth together, he finds his annoyance for his classmates grow stronger. Getting bored of seeing pictures of his classmates and a few strangers, he clicks on his own profile and scans through the not so many pictures of him.

They weren't particularly taken well, but he did find himself admiring his own face for a short moment. A confident smile on his face, he clicks on the camera and points his selfie camera at his face to examine it.

He sighs, finding his actions boring as well. Just as he was about to click out of his camera, he catches a small glimpse of Nazumi in the corner of his camera as it pointed to his face. His lips turning up mischievously, he pulls his arm out to get a better angle of them together.

Once he finds the right angle, he snaps the picture and makes sure the small flash didn't stir her, then looks at the picture. His heart suddenly begins thumping wildly in his chest as he grins at the picture on his phone.

She looks oddly fuckin' adorable...

Saving it to his phone, he returns to his social media to post his new favorite picture.

Oddly adorable... whut the fuck am I thinking?

Sorry for the short chapter guys! I just wanted to (not so)commonly slip this in before I forget.

So... I'm actually asking you guys for a itsy-bitsy favor. I know, I know, how could I? I mean, after everything you all have done for me so far, why would I try to ask something ELSE from you all?

Welp, let's find out shall we?

I was wondering if you all could comment or dm me any ideas/requests for some couple ideas...

Harsh, I know.

But I'm not too confident with the couple ideas I have in mind so I just wanted to ask you guys your opinions on cute/badass/relatable couple ideas/goals you have on mind.

It'd be SUPER DUPER useful if you guys could give me some ideas, simple or not, it'd make me happy.. TT~TT

ANYWAYS... If you guys could comment or dm me the ideas on your mind, that would be FANTASTIC.

Sorry for the ranting, hope you have a wonderful rest of your day or night, loves.

Farewell, see you guys next chapter!~


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