Just Say Yes or No

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The amount of stubbornness she held, the stubbornness he loved so much, was gone. He noticed that quickly as they talked more and more. She was back at her naive way of thinking and it pissed him off to think that she had no other choice but to be what she used to be.

It just wasn't fair and he hated it.

"Can you... Can you tell me another memory I had with you?" Nazumi asks, the exhaustion clear in her voice as she spoke out to Katsuki from her bed tiredly.

He leans back in the bean-bag chair with a breathy chuckle, getting himself comfortable as well. As much as he loved talking to her, it hurt him to remember all the things they did together, even if they were supposed to be happy.

Regardless of his bitter feeling towards them, he wanted to give her what she wanted.

"Sure, why fucking not."

She smiles and tries her best to keep her eyes open long enough to hear it through to the end. But it was getting harder and harder.

"There was the time you fell deadass asleep in my bed after playing chest my parents. You forgot to tell Blondie that you were staying so I had to text her myself, which was a pain in the ass." He smiles, "When you woke up in the middle of the night, you were undressing to put my clothes on and I got lucky enough to sneak a peak. It was a nice show while it fuckin' lasted."

She turns pink at whips her head in his direction. "I-I did that? I wouldn't... I couldn't be able to–"

"It's not like you fuckin' knew I was watching. Otherwise you wouldn't have stripped and I woulda' never got the chance to see anything."

"You're... You're a pervert."

"Y-You're a pervert!" She says loudly. He chuckled, grabbing her wrist and flipping her over so that she was laying on the bed next to him, her back pressed against his stomach.

"I'm not gonna fuckin' deny that." He suddenly said, his face pushing into her hair. "But I'll only be a pervert to you."

He chuckles, wishing he could have moments like those with her again.

"I'm not gonna fuckin' deny that, but I'll only be a pervert to you."

Her chest squeezes with familiarity. "I keep getting this odd reaction to certain things you say," She whispers, almost as if she's talking to herself, "Like I've heard them before... Or it's like... It was something I've been missing or waiting for, for what it seems like ages."

He glances over at her, looking at her laying figure in the bed all the way to her beautiful face. But, he stays silent for the time being.

"If you're right... about me losing my memories..." She smiles softly to herself, "I really hope I get them back soon, so things can go back to the way they were. With the way you explained things, it sounds almost as if I had a perfect way of living..."

"You were the light in my life, Nazumi. You still are. And I swear to God, I will find the bastard that did this to you and blast him into next year." He breathes out, feeling the anger build up inside his chest.

She hums, "Alright. I will hold you with that."

"Good." He simply states, his eyes leaving her figure and retreating to the ceiling. "Because I swear I will. I will fucking help you get your memories back. I swear it."

"I... I trust you, Bakugo." She breathes out, allowing sleep to grab ahold of her.

He notices the light snores from her and scoffs, "You shitty girl. I wasn't... I wasn't fucking done talking to you." He feels his own voice crack and he can't help but tear up due to his pent up anger.

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