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"Hey Braz bean, how did it went?" Gerard asked Philippe when he entered the training ground, and Jordi run to them, waiting for the answer as well."

"Oh, it was fine."

"Fine?" Jordi repeated, and Piqué was almost slapping himself because he was done.

"Did you flirt with her?"

"Yeah," he nodded, and Jordi and Gerard sighed.


"So we kissed."

"Oh my God, finally," Gerard sighed, relieved, but Jordi was not convinced.

"What do you mean by 'kissed'? Just letting you know, kissing her cheek does not count."

"On the lips. With our tongues. Several times. Am I clear enough now?"

"You grew up so faaast," Jordi said, pretending to clean tears from his face. "I can't believe that our newbie has a girlfriend now."

"Uh, we are not dating," he mumbled, and the two Spaniards looked at him.

"You kissed her for two days but you did not ask her to be your girlfriend? What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"It's okay, I'll do it next time."

"When is 'next time', exactly, because we won't have two rest days in a row anytime soon. We may be out of the Champs, but La Liga and La Copa del Rey are still a thing."

That's when Philippe Coutinho realized that clearly, when he said 'I'll see you soon' to Coline at the airport, he was still completely intoxicated with Paris and the kisses.

"We went at the Eiffel Tower and I did not ask her to be my girlfriend," he whined, "I am so dumb. How am I supposed to tell her that I cannot visit her before months? What if she decides I am not worth it?"

"He's freaking out," Jordi whispered at Gerard, who nodded before putting his hands on Coutinho's shoulder. He was way taller than him, but he did his best to look at him in the eyes.

"Hey, calm down. You guys kissed and everything, so she likes you, uh? She won't suddenly change her mind. You can't visit, but maybe she can? I mean she is her own boss, so technically, she can give to herself the order to come here to see you."

"She is not even gonna let me pay, and plane tickets are expensive."

"Instead of panicking, you should just talk to her, you know?"

"Yeah. I will."


You forgot one of your sweater

sweater? you mean my jumper?

Omg why are you pretending that you did not understand just to show off that you lived in Liverpool

that's so unlike me


are you busy rn?

Lunch break, why?

just want to talk about something and

Sure, what's up?

i, uh
i'm really sorry, Coline

Are you breaking up with me?

wait what
are we dating?

Okay now I feel so embarrassed
We kissed and then we kissed again and once again and we kind of had a date and I'm sorry I made assumptions

no no no no
don't apologize
i was kind of really mad at myself because i did not ask you to be my gf

That's what you wanted to talk about?
It's okay Philippe, really, I thought it was like a silent agreement or sth
You can ask me properly next time we see each other :p

about that, i kind of cannot come back before a long time
by a long time I mean weeks, maybe months
it's okay if you don't wanna date me anymore

Okay stop
I'm going to call you with Whatsapp

A few minutes later, she was calling.

"Hey, sorry it took me some time to put the space at the right place in your phone number, I'm used to French ones."

"Oh, sorry, you should have asked me," he said, feeling stupid.

"It's fine, internet helped me. Anyway, sorry if you don't like to talk on the phone but maybe we should talk about that...out loud, you know?"

"Yeah, of course."



"I'm not going to break up with you."

"Oh, okay, good," he sighed in relief, and she laughed.

"I know that you can't visit."

"For months," he felt like he had to remind her.

"I know. I am friend with Amel, and I went on a tour with Shak."

"That's different, they live with their boyfriends. But I live in Spain and you live in France. And I can't visit, and I can't ask you to do that all the time."

"You don't have to ask me, Coutinho. I'm a strong and independent woman who can visit her boyfriend whenever she wants to."

"Why would you spend your money doing that?"

"That is called 'caring for someone'. Pretty weird when you think about it, like there are human beings that we like more than others," she said, and he could picture her frowning. "Sorry, I got lost. But the thing is, money is not important, I'll travel when I want to travel because I like you and to be honest, I miss you already."

"Can I put the video on just for a sec?" he asked, smiling.

"Yeah, why?" she asked, and he did not answer, directly doing it. He smiled for ear to ear when he saw that she was wearing his sweater.

"Nice jumper," he said, and she smiled.

"Yeah, my sweater is amazing," she winked.

"I'll give you one of my jersey next time we'll see each other."

"Am I allowed to wear it?" she frowned, and he frowned as well.

"Of course? Do you need a permission of some sort?"

"I don't know the name of half of the team and I watch your game when I am bored. I don't really deserve to wear it."

"You know Piqué, and he's like the blaugrana. And you know me. Don't worry."

"Okay. I'll wear it. In my apartment, at least. Hey, I have to get back to work. Talk later?"

"Talk later. Thanks, Coline."

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