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phil.coutinho, o.dembele7 and 668 095 people liked it.

phil.coutinho hot



wow no need to scream my name Coline


you said that I could post that when I asked you yesterday!


just mute your phone it's gonna be okay


let me help you, you are hyped


also quick question why are we talking here? whatsapp video call or nada

I am at work

texting and working at the same time? not very professional ms Lavana

You're right, see you later

noooo stay
or leave
i mean it's your choice
you are gone already so


"Hey, Coline?"

"Yeah?" she asked, looking around her to check if the place was clean before they could leave. All her employees were gone, it was just Amel and her now, and they were about to have a girl night at Coline.


She looked at her friend, an eyebrow raised.

"I what? Spill the bean."

"You have a Wikipedia page."

"I...what?" she frowned, taking Amel's phone from her hand before putting her hand on her mouth. "Oh my God. Why?"

"Well, you took care or Shakira's hair, which is pretty big deal, and—"

"That's not a reason! Hairdressers don't have Wikipedia pages!"

"Let me finish. You are dating Philippe Coutinho and—"

"No one knows!"

"And," Amel tried to stay calm, "half of the barça players, if not more, liked that pic of your hair on Instagram. And followed you. And you have a lot of followers and people knowing about your existence in general. You are famous."

"Is it good or bad?" she asked, and Amel laughed.

"Both honestly."

Coline's phone started to ring, and she answered immediately when she saw that it was Philippe.

"Hey, don't freak out but Ous just found a Wikipedia page about you?"

"Aha, I beat you to it, lover boy!" Amel clapped her hand. "Your girl's famous."

"I'm not freaking out. I mean, it's fine. I'm just famous on the internet. I have tons of followers now, and a Wikipedia page. But people aren't going to recognize me on the street, so I'm good. Internet and real life are two very different things."

"She's right," Amel nodded. "I mean, you never posted any picture of your whole face on your Instagram. I have my face on my YouTube channel and I am living a peaceful life, don't worry."

"Great," Philippe nodded, relieved.

"I have to go, I'll call you later? We are about to have a girl night, so, really later. Is that okay?"

"Sure. Have fun you two. And drive safely."


Coline soon realized that she was right: having a Wikipedia page did not change her life at all. Being kind of famous on Instagram neither. After all, it was just way more notifications about people following her and liking her pictures. And way more people mentioning her under Philippe's pictures. For no apparent reason.

She was still going to work every morning, and coming home every evening. People did not recognize her, and it was for the best.

"I'm sorry, I know we did not see each other during the week," Coline apologized on Saturday, while they were on Skype with Philippe. "Things were crazy at work."

"It's okay, we'll see each other next week," he shrugged, and she nodded.

She did not want him to be mad at her for that—after all, he couldn't visit either—, but she was almost disappointed to see that he really seemed fine with it.

"What if I can't come next week?" she suddenly said, and he frowned.

"Well, the week after, then," he said without any emotion, and she shook her head. "Do you think that I should come and—"

"No, you can't do that. Don't ever skip training. I can visit next week," she sighed, regretting her words.

"Are you sure? You don't have to build your working schedule around my career."

"I'll come," she nodded. "Don't worry. Probably on Tuesday."

"That's very soon," he smiled, and she smiled as well.

Of course he wanted her to come. But he did not want her to feel guilty when she could not.

"Three days," she nodded.

"You know what?"

"Tell me?" she raised an eyebrow when she saw that he was smirking.

"I really wanna put my hands in your hair."

Coline laughed.

"You are so original, Coutinho."

"I know, I know. But I really mean it."

"You will. In three days."

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