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It's only when Coline went back to work two days later that she remembered Mister Shutler. Since there was no client yet, she went at the back and decided to call him now. After all, better late than never.

"Mister Shutler from Shutler & Associates, how can I help you?"

"Uh, hi..." Coline closed her eyes, feeling ridiculous. "I am Coline Lavana, from Lavanaland?"

"Coline Lavana, what a surprise! I'm glad to hear you."

"Sorry, I was a little busy during the last few days."

"Don't worry, I love busy people! Look, I'm not going to beat about the bush: could you drop by at my office one of these days? I have an offer for you, and I'd rather tell you in person, it would be easier."

"Yeah, sure," she nodded even though he could not see her. "What about tomorrow morning?"

"It sounds perfect! Have a good day, Coline!"

"Thanks, you too," she smiled before hanging up.


I have a meeting with my investor tomorrow morning

is that good news???

I guess so, I mean he sounded really...motivated

that's good!! keep me updated uh

Will do Philippe Coutinho


"Coline Lavana!" mister Shutler smiled when he saw her. "Blue hair now, you'll never cease to amaze me. It was green last time we saw each other, right?"

"Yeah, it was," she laughed.

"Sit down, sit down, it's not like you've never been here!" he said, and she sat down while he closed his laptop. "I have an offer for you."

"Yes?" she asked, suddenly feeling stressed out.

"Your hairdresser salon is thriving, I always believed in you and you are truly good at it. So I want you to open three more hairdresser salons. And if it works, even more."

"What?! Really?!" Coline smiled.

She did not know what to expect, but one thing was sure, she did not expect that.

"Really," he nodded. "I have to be completely honest with you...we can afford to do that not only thanks to your great work, but also thanks to your popularity on social media that never cease to increase. More and more people are following you all around the world, and..."

Coline bit her lip, disappointed.

"So is it just because of Coutinho?"

"Of course not! You are really good at your job, Coline, you know that, right? You worked for Shakira. Now you have a Wikipedia page and people can see how hard you worked to be where you are now. And thanks to that, we can afford to do something incredible. You can decide to open of your three new hairdresser salons in Barcelona."

"Barcelona," she repeated. "I'm not sure I want to do that."

"The choice is yours. But I'll need to know the cities in...let's say three days maximum."

"Okay. Thank you."


"So let me get this straight...he offered you to open a salon in fucking Barcelona and you said no?" Amel frowned.

"I didn't say no."

"I don't see why you have to think about that! It's Barcelona, Coline! You could have clients there, work here, it''s insane!"

"I don't want people to come to my hairdresser salon just because I am dating Philippe, Amel."

"Oh. So that's the problem."

"I don't want my success to be based on my acquaintances."

"It won't be the case. Do you think people trust everyone with their hair?"

Coline sighed.

"I'll sleep on it."

"Yeah. You should also talk about it with Philippe."


"Is everything okay? You sound a little...sad?" Philippe said when he answered the phone.

"I'm fine. I went to see my investor."

"Is that why you are sad? I'm sorry, Coline, I really thought that he had good intentions."

"He did. I can open three more hairdresser salons."

"Wait, what?! That's amazing, Coline! Three!"

"He wants me to open one of the three in Barcelona."

"And?" Philippe asked, a big smile plastered on his face.

"Do you think I should? I want you to be honest, not biased. Are people gonna come to have haircuts or ask me about Shakira or you?"

Philippe stayed quiet for a little while, probably thinking about what she was asking.

"I think you should. I can't pretend that I won't be happy to have you here, even though I know that you won't work in that one that much. But I think that it is a life-time opportunity and you should do it. And I would have say the same if it was Madrid, Malaga or any other city here in Spain."

"Thank you, Philippe."

1 chap & epilogue left!!

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