Chapter 12

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I woke at an reasonable time to get up which for me, means 7:30 am. I decided today, I was feeling determined. I was feeling like nothing in this world could make me fall apart. Except, for the fact that I have to choose between Nat or Alex Wolff. Ouch, man. Yep, that's just my life. I put my really fine hair, into a high ponytail and I put a sports bra on under my tanktop and a sweatband. I was totally ready for this morning workout. With of course my 80's and 90's pop playlist with all of the essential songs like:

-Take on Me: Aha

-Beautiful Life: Ace of Base

-Blue (Da Ba Dee): Eiffel 65

-Maniac (on the floor): Michael Sombello ft. Flashdance


(Yes I just did all of those songs from off the top of my head, I think that deserves an around of applause even though I love all of these songs)


I got out a yoga mat and blasted the music in the livingroom. My parents were both at work and honestly I could care less if Nat and Alex saw me like this. I did some stretches, some sit-ups, jogging in place, you know that kind of stuff. I work out regularly and try to eat healthy most of the time but I still don't have the "hottest" body that every boy dreams of on a girl. I don't exactly have a flat stomach and my hips are huge. I've tried so many things that are so strict but they don't work on me. So I stick to a normal exercise routine and I try to stay healthy. I think it helps in some ways. After about that playlist repeating itself a couple times, Lillie came downstairs with her hair in two slightly messy braids and her footie pajamas. Then, we just started dancing randomly showing off our best moves to eachother. I kind of wish one of us was facing the other way so we could see the stairs in case if Nat or Alex came down stairs. I wouldn't want either one of them watching my attempts at twerking. Notice how I said "attempts" right there. We finally turned off the 80's and 90's mix and I decided to make breakfast.

"Lillie, do you want me to make some breakfast for you?" I asked talking down to her.

"Okay sissy!" she replies to me.

"Alright, I'll see what we have." I say and look over the pantry a few times. I see cereal, oatmeal, breakfast bars...

"Oh Lillie!" I called to her as she was in the livingroom.

"Yes sissy?" she ran up to me.

"Can you put on some music for us?" I ask her.

"Sure!" she says. "How?"

"Turn on the Tv and type in channel 6002. It's the top 40 radio." I say. Yes, I will admit I do like listening to top 40 but, I was feeling the upbeat music this morning. I still continued to moon over the pantry until I saw some unopened waffle mix in the back. "Jackpot!" I say proud of myself. The music blared through the livingroom and kitchen once again. It was some Imagine Dragons song that sounded pretty good but I had no clue what it was called, must had been a new hit or something. I grabbed the waffle mix and the ingredients it needed that were listed on the box. Some eggs, vegetable oil and water. "Easy enough." I say to myself. I found a bag of mini chocolate chips in the fridge so, I decided to make chocolate chip waffles. I grabbed the Belgium waffle maker out of the cabinet and turned it on. Meanwhile, I was preparing the waffle mix. Once it was hot, I greased the pan and poured it in. It took about 5 minutes for each waffle to cook perfectly so I had some time. I put four plates on the table with silverware and glasses except for Lillie because she got a special "kids" cup.

"Lillie, can you come sit at the table please?" I asked her as she quickly put her toys away and sat quietly at the table. "Do you want orange juice?" I ask her while shaking the juice.

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