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chapter eight: the other side of the frosted glass

chapter eight: the other side of the frosted glass

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ANNE HAD run out of the room faster than Diana could call out to stop her, making the rest of the children's winter chorus stutter around their next verse as they scooted closer to one another. However, it only took a few seconds before the brunette was running after her into the pale, white world. After the next few poorly sung notes, the teacher dismissed them to the next station, which happened to be paper snowflakes. Josie hmphed as she stepped to the left side of the schoolhouse, followed closely by Tillie and Jane. A hand patted Caroline on the arm, causing her to look down at Ruby's furrowed brows.

"Do you think Anne will be alright?", her sweet voice was filled with caring undertones.

Caroline sighed, stroking down her light green dress before shifting toward her best friend, "I don't know, but I do believe I am going to make it my job to find out."

Josie snickered. The blonde huffed, stomping over to her coat and swinging it over her shoulders, fluffing her hair away from the collar. Josie looked over at her.

"What, no coming to Anne's defense?"

Caroline set a hand on her waist,  "That's the thing, Josie. Anne doesn't need to me defend her she can take of herself. Besides, it's always quite easy to squish a bug."

She opened the door quickly before turning her head, "Are you coming, Ruby?"

Ruby nodded, taking her coat and hat off the hook before joining Caroline outside, running away from the angered calls of their teacher. Caroline could feel her nose getting red and asked God why she had forgotten her cap and mittens. It isn't even that cold Caroline, you'll be fine, she mocked herself from just hours before. She knew that they had to catch up to Anne and Diana, but, if what Josie had said really was true, there was no way that she would allow herself to stay at Green Gables. She would not let herself be a burden to them. Maybe, she could stay with Diana or Ruby, but, if push came to shove, she would be able to make it on her own. 

If anyone deserved to have a life filled with everything they wanted, it was Anne. Caroline could sit around and whine about how her father was dead, her brother was gone, and her life fell apart in the span of four days but it would mean nothing when compared to what Anne had gone through. She had never known her mother or father, and never will, and now, she may lose the home she had waited so long to finally see. However, the main thing that confused Caroline about Anne, was how someone who was raised in a home without love, could hold so much of it in her heart. That was one of the many reasons, she guessed, why Anne was better than most people.

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