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chapter nine: who knew loneliness was so loud

chapter nine: who knew loneliness was so loud

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She stared at the broken picture frame in her left hand, watching as a single tear drop hit the glass. How had everything fallen apart this quickly?

Squeezing her eyes shut and gritting her teeth, Caroline chocked back a sob. She set down the picture on her dresser, examining it more thoroughly. It had been taken on her and Gilbert's ninth birthday, one to remember, that day was. That was the day she had first punched Billy Andrew's lights out and the day that Gilbert fell into the river for the first time. She may or may not have pushed him in.

Everything seemed to be going wrong, she could barely even remember the last time she felt at ease. Or, the last time she had done something for herself, and not for the happiness of Gilbert or for the peace of her dad. At least she wouldn't have to worry about that anymore.

Both of the people who she ever did anything for, were gone.

Every word she had spoken to her brother in the last two hours were still fresh in her mind, leaving searing imprints on each thought she had. Was everything she said true? Yes. Was it all necessary to say? No. The things she had accused Gilbert of doing were cruel, even if he did do some of them. Now, he had left her behind, and she didn't blame him.

She was an awful sister, and if she was Gilbert, she would hate herself too.

"Gilbert?", a voice called from outside, and Caroline's brows shot up.

What in the world was Anne doing here, and looking for her brother nonetheless? A small smile graced her lips at the thought of Gilbert and Anne, but, slipped away when she remembered that she would be the one to tell Anne that her brother had left. Making her way to the door, Caroline began to go over what she would say in her head, despite knowing she would probably mess it up anyways. As she opened the door, she forced a small and gave Anne a gentle look.

"Anne, what are you doing here?", Caroline asked, a harsh under layer in her tone despite her attempts to sound happy.

The red-head glanced around, avoiding her eye contact, "I, I was looking for Gilbert and I noticed that all of his things were gone."

Her eyebrow's raised , "Did you go around and look in my brother's window, Anne?"

Heat rose to Anne's cheeks, giving her slight comfort in the cold but creating a stutter in her speech, "I, um, yes, but not in a weird way."

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