XIV - real life

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   I sat astounded at the news I just received... Me, a nineteen-year-old girl, was just told that she was to be part of a movie, courtesy of an amazing company I had been dreaming of being a part of since I was eight. They hadn't specified my specific part yet, but it was confirmed that I would be part, whether the role was a cameo role or a whole Marvel character that they were introducing, I was the most excited I had ever been.
   I felt giddy with excitement. I wanted to run, to shout, to tell everyone what was going to happen...but I had to wait. I couldn't sit down, couldn't read a book, couldn't even use the computer. My mind was like a butterfly, whatever distraction I chose for myself, my mind kept fluttering back to the call that had just taken place. Then I'd get that tingly feeling all over again. I just sat, in shock, smiling like an idiot, giggling and shrieking in happiness.
   Suddenly, I jumped from my sitting position on my bed and sprinted into the hall. I caught a glimpse of the glint from the window, a beautiful sunrise was showcasing itself to me. This morning wasn't gray, but instead a soothing lavender and a brilliant amber. The colours merged into neon pink and peach. It was an exquisite sight, but I carried on, rushing down the stairs, slightly missing my footing and almost falling down, but successfully catching myself on the banister. I slowly and most definitely; carefully made my way into the living room, still buzzing with excitement.
   My mum sat still looking rather tired, sipping her fresh supply of coffee and tapping her hand slightly on the soft, grey arms of the corner couch. My dad watched the early morning news as the presenters ranted or 'calmly' discussed small incidents from around the company. However; my sudden shriek of vivacity made them snap out of their morning routines that overtime developed a sense of deja vu.

"Mum! Dad!" I shouted, my eyes full of happiness. Their heads snapped in my direction, making them complain about the surprising entrance.

"Shush! Shush! I have important news!" I shrieked. They looked intrigued and instantly grew silent.

"Kara just called!" I started, they nodded. "She just talked to a casting director and... They want me in a movie!"

"That's amazing!" Mum applauded.

"Well done darling!" Dad praised.

"That's not all! The casting director works for Marvel, as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!" I explained, "They want me in a Marvel movie!"

broken - t. holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now