XVII - real life

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Your POV:

   A loud bang echoed around the house, I knew it was B/f/n judging by the sound of the footsteps that were now racing up the stairs. B/f/n then burst through the door in a visible sweat and the sound of
their shaky breath was the only sound in the room. We stared blankly at each other as they straightened up their posture and waited in silence for one of us to say something.
   We stared for a long time, until both of us let out major sounds of squeals and screams of excitement. B/f/n dived onto my bed with a smile strung across their face.


"It gets better! They just sent me an email saying that shooting begins in two weeks, they're flying me out to Georgia on Monday!" I squealed and so did they, but suddenly b/f/n's face dropped.

"But that means you're gonna leave me
again" They sighed.

"Nope! They said that I was allowed to bring you along as my assistant so you can come with me!" I smiled brightly. B/f/n lit up like a Christmas tree and pulled me into a hug.

"Your plane ticket is all payed for and don't even worry about anything else! This is gonna be amazing!" I said.

"Hold up! I just realised, you're working with Marvel. Think of all the people you are gonna be with daily! I mean, Robert Downey Jr! Benedict Cumberbatch! Chris Evans! Think of the people Y/n!" B/f/n smiled.
My mind instantly exploded with names and faces of who I would be working with for the next however long this would be for!

"Y/n. I just realised...

Tom works for Marvel too"

broken - t. holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now