Redemption [2]

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Spare Oom"It's the world, dear

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Spare Oom
"It's the world, dear. Did you expect it to be small?"

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It was late in the afternoon, Jolie decided her and the Pevensies should play cricket. She still sensed the tension from last night.

Lucy had yelled throughout the mansion that she went back to the land called Narnia.

Hearing the name made her face pale.

Narnia was in Digory's story. Many questions sparked in Jolie's head. But no answers seem to pop up.

"Peter winds up, goes for the bowl!" Peter narrated.

He threw the ball and hit a dazed Edmund in the leg. Jolie cupped a hand over her mouth to hide her smile, while Susan grinned.

"Ow!" Edmund said narrowing his eyes at his brother.

Peter chuckled, "Whoops! Wake up, Dolly Daydream?"

Jolie picked up the ball and tossed it back to Peter.

"Can't we play hide and go seek again,"  Edmund whined.

"Huh, I thought you said that it was a kid's game," Jolie stated.

Edmund turned to glare at her.

"I didn't ask you, Carrot."

"Are you ready?" Peter asked adverting the attention to him.

"Are you?" Edmund sassed.

He smacked the bat on the ground. Peter pitches the ball, hard, and Edmund whacks it good and it smashes through the mansion's upstairs window. Jolie's mouth dropped open, she stared at Edmund and back at the window. She ran to the mansion and the Pevensies followed after.

Jolie went upstairs to the loft and saw the suit of armor on the floor. "Well done, Edmund. Now Macready is going to kill us."

"He bowled it!" Edmund snapped.

"Who's up there! Ms. Beckett did you break another window!"

"Speaking of the devil, run!" Jolie said.

They started running in through the hallway. Then, there were footsteps.

"Go back! Go back!" Edmund exclaimed pushing Jolie and Lucy away.

He led them to the room where the wardrobe was. He ran to the wardrobe opening the door. Susan, Peter, Lucy, and Jolie stopped in their steps.

"Come on!" Edmund ushered them.

"You've got to be joking!" Susan said. The footsteps became louder and they went inside the wardrobe.

Jolie went in last slowly closing the door letting little sunlight shine through.

Redemption |Edmund Pevensie|Where stories live. Discover now