In every way possible do I believe you all have a bit of butt munch in you. NOW what you should do with this butt munching power is very freaking complicated. So let's figure this shit out shall we?
Now please use your butt munching powers for annoyance, JUST FOR THE RIGHT PEOPLE. Gosh.
This does indeed include your siblings, those tards you call friends, teachers, and really any other people who annoy you.
If thats everyone, get help you maniac.
You may also use your butt munching powers for good. For instance, if your best friend gets cheated on, remember butt munchers have a tendency for violence. ;)
Butt munchers can also get lazy, bitches. So if you be chillen on the couch.... and ur parents are on your ass to do something. Here is what you do, look them in the eye and speak clearly:
Then go back to what the hell you were doing. They will be so freaking confused, it will atleast get you give more minutes before they threaten to ground you.
There are many other uses for butt munchers... but me lazy power is kicking in. So peace butt munchers.
Ps. y'all are a bunch of idiots if you thought this meant something. Me just bored.... BUTT MUNCHERS! XD
A Whole Lotta Nothing
HumorI wanna talk. So im gonna. Its gonna be random as hell, haha. Ummm... Thats all I got.. Cuz the real writing is in there SO READ IT PEOPLES!