Beezee is my b-word. Well when I don't want to use the real one.
But yaasss. I can't sleep most nights and tonight is one of those nights. On these certain nights, I find my ceiling quite freaking boring. Because that's all Im looking at. That or my ducking phone. Yaasss I said and meant ducking. Im weirder with no sleep and shit.
Anyways, the only thing I really don't like about not being able to sleep in the hours of a normal person, is that I hate the silence. Silence its the botch who makes me think too much. And believe me ass munchers, when I be thinking... shit be getting complicated.
Like I be thinking about the future and what not. Like am I about to be okay? Am I going to make it? Will shit that really needs to fall into place fall? Or well they just stay floating and piss me the hell off? Like hello!? You are not birds, bitches, you are problems. Would you mind working yourselves out? Thaaaaanks that would be freaking peachy! I know that ain't about to happen but get people can dream with their eyes open, too.
Now im just in my room. Listening to the faint sounds of my parents snoring. Jesus that's annoying. And if your really thing about getting on me for saying Jesus in my book, just do new a favor; calm your tits, look at the name again and read it as: hey-zeus. And if you have a problem with that. You have issues.... that I don't care about.... and don't need to handle.
But I'm bout to try to take on my issue and sleep. Notice the key word: try.
A Whole Lotta Nothing
فكاهةI wanna talk. So im gonna. Its gonna be random as hell, haha. Ummm... Thats all I got.. Cuz the real writing is in there SO READ IT PEOPLES!