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Lance PoV
It's been days since Keith last talked to me, Hunk and I also haven't been able to reach Pidge. Hunk has asked Keith about them but Keith just walks away. I wish I didn't reveal my secret identity but with the Red "Douche" around Keith is in danger. I decide to try texting him again.

My boo, My bae, My one and only

Me: keeeeIth
Me: paL
Me: dOod, you are making oVerjoyEd by ignoring me
Me: YOU suck
My boo..: Lance you sent me four text in the span of thirty seconds, and what's with the random capitalization
Me: shhhh not important but what are you doing
My boo..: Taking care of Pidge they've been sick
Me: oh? are they gucci?
My boo..: Why do I even talk to you and yes they're fine
Me: i have a question
My boo..: Okay, so?
Me: can i ask it?
My boo..: I don't see why not
Me: do you maybe wanna see a movie or hang out later, i know pidge is sick so it's okay if you say no
My boo..: I would love to go, but not a movie
Me: okkaayyy nice, wanna go to a bakery and have lunch??
My boo..: Sounds great
Me: ill pick you up around 2ish?
My boo..: Sounds good

Hunk PoV
I get a frantic call from Lance, he explains that Pidge had just been sick and the reason Keith was ignoring us was because he was worried. He also tells me he has a date with Keith and he's doing it at my parents bakery. Ugh, today was supposed to be my day off. I walk to the bakery and start making Lance's favorites. I get a call from my friend Allura, I know that she's the Pink Surfer, she told me after her father, The Alfornator was brutally murdered by The Reckoner, and according to local media, there's this new villian called the Red Rider. Where are these people even getting their names from. I'm kind of a theorist when it comes to finding out the secret identity of villians and heroes. I know that Aqua Azul is a high school student of Spanish decent based on his hours and his name. That really narrows it down. My main suspect is my best friend Lance, and I'm hurt that he doesn't want to tell me. I don't have a clue who The Reckoner is, my first theory was he was a highschool student based on his hours, but he also might a free lance worker because sometimes he works during the school day.  Why are the villians so much harder than the heroes, especially now that we have a new one. I heard from Allura that Ride Rider only used a knife on Lance even though he had a sword, was he proving that he was better than him, was he leaving a message, these things are so hard.

543 words
Sorry for a short chapter but there's a date in the next one.
Love ya

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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