Catch Up;

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The harsh Boston sun beamed into my eyes as I slowly started to wake up. My head slightly hurt as I sat up, causing me to regret drinking that cup of Rosé last night. I groaned and stretched, noticing the smell of breakfast that was spreading throughout my apartment. I raised an eyebrow and before I could get up, my door opened, revealing my 'boyfriend' with a tray of breakfast in his hands.

I smiled at the sight as he set it down next to me.
"It looks amazing babes."

He smiled and shrugged confidently.
"I'll take any opportunity I can to thank you, especially for last night."

I chuckled and kissed his lips as he sat next to me.
"Thank you Kai."

I grabbed a piece of bacon and bit it as I grabbed my phone, seeing I had messages from my brother and Shaniya. I smiled and responded to them.

Yeah..the pre season was rocky, but it's just preseason. We'll get things together. How's Boston so far??

Amazing! We need to catch up tho..conference call later??

I exited out of the conversation and went to text back Shaniya who I fell asleep on last night.

You probably fell asleep on me again🙄Schedule me in later cause we need to play catch up bestie

Sorry😭 I'll call you later for sure

As I sent the text, my eyes widened and I quickly jumped up, stuffing half a pancake in my mouth. I had just noticed the time and I was extremely late for work.
"Oh shit!"

"What's wrong?" He chuckled.

"Work! I forgot I had to go in early today." I sighed, bending over to reach in my dresser and grab my scrubs.

I felt a pair of hands on my waist as I was pulled closer to Kai. I leaned back and sighed as he placed small kisses on my neck.

"You're going to make me late." I smiled, slightly closing my eyes.

"When are you going to let me make you mine babygirl?" He asked in between kisses.

"Just..give me a little more time okay? We'll talk about it when I get off."

He nodded and kissed my knuckles.
"Alright. Even though I feel like your just using me for my body." He sighed playfully.

"Your body is just a nice plus." I said, poking his abs. "But seriously, I like you. Your personality, your care, your charisma..I'm just. I don't want to ruin what we have now. I haven't been good in relationships in the past..and now is not the best time to get into this because-"

"Because you're late."

"Great! Your catching on." I smiled, running to the bathroom.

"You need a ride to work?" He asked from the room.

"Yes! Thank you for offering."
I hated being late...



I peeked my eyes open to see my beautiful little girl, Amour, sitting next to me, happily waiting for me to wake up. I gave her a small smile and sat up.
"Hey babygirl." I said picking her up and kissing her cheek.

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